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Mev nstresses
math. Мэв
road.wrk. передвижные пункты контроля (Mobile Enforcement Vehicles Andrey250780)
MeV n
Makarov. МэВ (megaelectron-volt; мегаэлектронвольт); мегаэлектронвольт (megaelectron-volt; МэВ); мегаэлектрон-вольт (megaelectronvolt)
med.appl. мегаэлектрон-вольт
MEV abbr.
immunol. вирус норкового энтерита (член семейства парвовирусов ochernen)
 English thesaurus
MEV abbr.
abbr. Mega Electron Volts
abbr., avia. main electro valve
abbr., el., scient. Mega- ElectronVolt
abbr., math. million electron-volt
abbr., med. Maximum Exercise Ventilation; Mevalonate; Minimal Excursionary Ventilation; Murine Erythroblastosis Virus; Measles Virus; Megaelectron Volts; million electron volts (106 ev); Methotrexatum, Cyclophosphanum Endoxan, Vincristinum
abbr., physiol. maximum expiratory volume flow (Игорь_2006)
abbr., polym. million electronvolts
abbr., progr., IT Multiple Experiment Viewer
abbr., scottish Medical Evacuation Vehicle (USA)
mil. manned entry vehicle; medical evaluation vehicle
tech. megaelectronvolt, million electron volt
MeV abbr.
abbr. millions of electron volts; mega-electronvolt
abbr., earth.sc. megaelectron volt
abbr., el. megaelectron-volt
abbr., med. million electron volts (= 106 eV)
abbr., mil., avia. megaelectronvolt
abbr., space mega-electron-volts
chem. million electron-volts
meV abbr.
abbr. milli-electronvolt
MEV abbr.
abbr., astronaut. mission extension vehicle (Space Logistics LLC, Northrop Grumman MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. minimum energy value
abbr., space mars entry vehicle
abbr., textile maximizing expected value
MeV abbr.
virol. measles virus (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
: 20 phrases in 7 subjects
High energy physics4
Thermal engineering1