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noun | noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
MARS [mɑ:z] nstresses
comp., MS функция MARS (A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumed)
Mars [mɑ:z] n
astr. Марс (планета Солнечной системы)
phys. Марс
MARs [mɑ:z] n
mol.biol. последовательности ДНК, обладающие способностью связывания с ядерным матриксом (Тантра)
MAR [mɑ:] n
gen. медицинское заключение (medical assessment report Alex Lilo)
math. максимальный средний размах (maximum average range)
yacht. Марокко (Обозначения на парусах)
mar [mɑ:] n
gen. синяк; помеха; дефект; дефект (речи); ушиб; знак
geol. небольшое озеро
met. наружное повреждение
polym. дефект на поверхности; царапина
tech. повреждение
uncom. убой (синяк, ушиб Супру)
Mars [mɑ:z] n
myth., gr.-rom. Марс (древнеиталийск. божество, первоначально бог полей и урожая, потом бог войны; один из двенадцати олимпийских богов)
names Марс (в рим. мифологии бог войны. Соответствует греч. Аресу)
winemak., amer., amp. Марс (исконно американский сорт красного винограда)
mars [mɑ:z] n
obs., chem. железо
mar [mɑ:] v
gen. портить; повреждать; искажать; ударить; повредить; испортить; расстроить; омрачить; ударять; ухудшать; испортиться; портиться; ставить под сомнение (That election was marred by massive cheating. CCB. The report is marred by numerous errors. MWALD Alexander Demidov); исковеркать (pf of коверкать); исказить; портить внешний вид; погубить; коверкать; расстраивать (что-л.)
Gruzovik коверкать
auto. поцарапать
dipl. омрачить (напр.: The Tour de France was marred by the death of a spectator on Saturday. – В субботу "Тур-де-Франс" был омрачен смертью зрителя.); испортить (что-либо)
fig. исковеркаться; коверкаться
Gruzovik, fig. исковеркать (pf of коверкать); обгадить (pf of обгаживать); обгаживать (impf of обгадить)
inf. попортить
inf., fig. обгадиться; обгаживать; обгаживаться; обгадить
obs. омрачать
polym. царапать
silic. испортить поверхность
slang обламывать (например, кайф: Her voice mars the high. Abysslooker)
marring v
polygr. смазывание (дефект оттиска)
 English thesaurus
MARS [mɑ:z] abbr.
abbr. Machine Assisted Reference Services; Management Administrative And Reporting System; Middlebury Automated Registration System; Mitigation And Response System; Museum Astronomical Resource Society; Magnetic Airborne Recording System; Man-hour Accounting and Reporting System; Manned Aerodynamic Reusable Spaceship; Manned Astronomical Research Station; Market Analysis Research System; Marketing Analysis Research System; Math And Reading Scholars; Meteorological Automatic Reporting System; Mobile Audience Response Systems; Monthly Aerial Reconnaissance Summary; Muffin Andrew Rugby Start; multiaperture reluctance switch; Multiuser Archival and Retrieval System; major accident reporting system (shergilov)
abbr., AI. Multiple Abstraction Rule-based System
abbr., astr., scient. Mountain Astronomical Research Section
abbr., avia. modular attack radar system; Miscellaneous Airspace; Modification Tracking System; Multiple Aircraft Receiving Stand (Баян); Multiple Apron Ramp System (Баян); maintenance analysis and repair set; machinery retrieval system; management action reporting system; management analysis reporting service; manufacturing assembly records system; manufacturing records system; material action reporting system; modular airborne recorder system (series); multimission airborne reconnaissance and surveillance (system)
abbr., BrE Marconi automatic relay system; mobile ammunition repair section; mobile automatic reporting system
abbr., comp., net., IT Mac Address Registration System
abbr., CT metal artifact reduction sequence (iwona)
abbr., d.b.. multiple active result set (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., ed., scient. Mathematics Assessment Resource Service; Media And Resource Services; Medical And Related Sciences; Monitoring Action Research System; Mountain Area Research Section
abbr., el. materials analysis research station; memory address register storage; Motorola automatic routing system; multimedia audiovisual retrieval system; multiple-apertured reluctance switch; multistage alternate routing switch
abbr., IT Mains Active Restoring System
abbr., math., scient. Multivariate Additive Regression Splines
abbr., med. Magnetic Anchor Retinal Stimulation; Methionyl-transfer Ribonucleic Acid Synthetase; Medical Amateur Radio Society; Medication Adherence Rating Scale
abbr., med.appl. metal artifact reduction sequence (kat_j); Motion Artifact Rejection System (harser)
abbr., media. Modelling Animation And Rendering System
abbr., mil. Marine Accident Reporting Scheme; Military Affiliate Radio System; Mobile Adjustable Ramp System; Mobile Assault Rescue And Strike; Magnetic Array Sensor; Matrix Amplifier and Routing System; Military Auxiliary Radio System (PX_Ranger); Mobile Asset Repair Station; Mobile Autonomous Robot Software; Multi-spectral Agile Reconnaissance System; Multiple Accelerometer Rate Sensor (projectile)
abbr., mil., air.def. medium-altitude reconnaissance and surveillance; multiple agile reconnaissance system
abbr., O&G, sakh. multiple application reservoir simulator
abbr., opt. magnetic array system
abbr., physiol., med. Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System
abbr., post Maintenance Activity Reporting and Scheduling System
abbr., scottish Magnetic Array Sensor System; Matra road to Air transportable Reconnaissance System (France); Medium Altitude Reconnaissance System (Royal Netherlands Air Force); Mid-Air Recovery System (US Navy); Mid-Air Retrieval System (USAF); Military Amphibious Reconnaissance System; Military Archive & Research Services (UK); Minimally Attended Radar Station; Mobile Atlantic Range Station; Mobile Automatic Reporting Station; Modular Adaptable Radar Simulator; Modular Airborne Recording System; Multi-Access Retrieval System; Multi-Aperture Radar System; Multiple Action Raid Simulation
abbr., tradem. Meeting And Reservation Service; Milwaukee Area Radio Stations; Music And Recording Superstore; Music And Recording Superstores
abbr., transp. Maintenance And Ramp Safety; Moving Armature Red Signal
ecol. marine reporting station; meteorological automatic reporting station
mil. maintenance analysis and recording systems; Marine account reconciliation service; Marine aircraft repair squadron; Marine aircraft repair station; marine arsenal; Martin automatic reporting system; medium-range artillery rocket system; midair recovery system; military affiliated radio system; multiple aircraft raid simulation; multiple artillery rocket system
tech. machine retrieval system; maintenance analysis and recording system; manned astronautical research station; Matra air-transportable reconnaissance system; memory-address register storage; military amateur radio system; modular airborne radar system
Mars [mɑ:z] n
NASA, abbr. M
Mars. abbr.
abbr. Marseilles
MAR [mɑ:] abbr.
abbr., clin.trial. missing at random (peregrin)
abbr., law Market Abuse Regulation (Kovrigin)
MAR [mɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Marathi; March; Mad Anthony Regional; Managed Arrival Reservoir; Microprogram Address Register (IC); Minimal Angle of Resolution; Mission Analysis Room; Mixed Antiglobulin Reaction; Modernization And Associated Restructuring; Modified Aspect Ratio; Superior Court Mandatory Arbitration Rules (court rules); medication administration record
abbr., agric. mean annual rainfall
abbr., avia. Minimally Attended Radar; management approval routing; management assessment report; maintainability and reliability; manufacture action request; micro analytical reagent; mission accomplish report
abbr., commer. Monthly Activity Report
abbr., commun. Movement Authority Request; mobile access radio
abbr., construct. material approval request (Fuat)
abbr., corp.gov. monthly attendance report
abbr., el. macro address register; master angular reference; maximum average range; messaging application router; microinstruction address register; military auxiliary radio; multiple access receiver; multiple accumulating register
abbr., file.ext. Assembly program (VAX Macro); Report shortcut (MS Access)
abbr., fin. minimal acceptable return (Vorbild)
abbr., genet. multiple-adversity-resistance breeding
abbr., immunol. Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (Множественная устойчивость к антибиотикам Katherine Schepilova)
abbr., IT Memory Address Register
abbr., lab.eq. Mixed Agglutination Reaction
abbr., med. Medication Administration Record; mineral apposition rate (Игорь_2006); maternal antibody related autism; matrix attachment site
abbr., media. Marchen Awaken Romance
abbr., mil. METOC assistance request; mixed aviation regiment
abbr., mil., air.def. multiple array radar
abbr., mil., avia. major assembly release
abbr., mol.biol. matrix attachment region (Игорь_2006)
abbr., nautic. Maracaibo, Venezuela
abbr., nautic., scient. Mid Atlantic Ridge
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Main Auxiliary Room
abbr., O&G, sakh. management and administration (regulations); Management and Administration (Regulations)
abbr., opt. malfunction array radar
abbr., plast. methyl acetyl ricinoleate
abbr., polym. microanalytical reagent
abbr., radiol. Metal Artifact Reduction (уменьшение артефактов от металлических имплантов (осколков) VasDoc)
abbr., scottish Major Aircraft Review; Minature Assault Rifle; Moteur Arriere (Rear-mounted engine (France)); Multiple / Multi-function Array Radar
abbr., sec.sys. Major Accident Risk (ikondra)
abbr., st.exch. Marriott International, Inc.
energ.ind. minimum acceptability requirement
meteorol. at sea
mil. maintainability action request; maintenance action report; management analysis report; management assessment review; Marine; material availability report; material availability request; minimal angle resolution; minimally attended radar; minimum acceptable reliability; multiarray radar; multifunctional array radar; multiple-array radar; midair retrieval
tech. magnetoacoustic resonance; maintenance action request; maintenance analysis report; mercury-arc rectifier; minimum angle of resolution; multifunction phased-array radar
mar [mɑ:] abbr.
abbr. maritime; married
abbr., earth.sc. marcasite
abbr., med. marker chromosome
abbr., mil. march MAR
O&G maroon
Mar. abbr.
abbr. March's King's Bench Reports; March; marine
Mar [mɑ:] abbr.
abbr. March
abbr., earth.sc. marble
mar. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. maritime
abbr., econ. margin
MARS [mɑ:z] abbr.
abbr., avia. maintenance analysis and reports section; multimedia audiovisual retrieval service; multiple aperture reluctance switch; mid-air recovery system; modular airborne recorder series
abbr., busin. Marine Accident Report Scheme
abbr., comp. minimum access retrieval system
abbr., earth.sc. mapping application resources system; marine angle range system; meteorological archival and retrieval system; model annotation retrieval system; Motorola Aerial Remote Sensing Inc.; multichannel aircraft radiometer system
abbr., math. multivariate adaptive regression spline (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., nautic. Maritime Arrivals Reporting System (Система уведомления о прибытии морских судов Ying)
abbr., oil management analysis reporting system; marine angle ranging system; measuring accuracy and repeatability study; millimeter-wave amplification by resonance saturation; miniature accurate ranging system; multi-application realtime-system; multiple access retrieval system; multiple apertured reluctance switch
abbr., space microgravity applications recoverable satellite; microwave atmospheric remote sensor; military airborne radar system; miniature attitude reference system; multicast address resolution server; Mars radio science experiment; maritime satellite system
: 275 phrases in 42 subjects
Arabic language1
Aviation medicine1
Drug-related slang2
Mass media3
Proper name2
Public utilities1