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MT abbr.stresses
gen. страны-члены (member states; ЕС allag); терминологическая база данных (в системе SDL TRADOS: аббревиатура Multiterm Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr. метр (или погонный метр; Даное сокращение порой встречается в иностранных инвойсах. При указании ширины в описании товара означает погонный метр Yuriy83); геомагнитный (Magneto-Telluric shergilov); тонна (MichaelBurov); т (MichaelBurov)
dril. насосно-компрессорные трубы диаметром менее 50 мм (macaroni tubing)
geophys. магнитотеллурический; магнито-теллуровый (MichaelBurov); магнитотеллуровый (MichaelBurov); магнито-теллурический (MichaelBurov)
GOST. ТМ (климатическое исполнение изделий для тропического климата по ГОСТ 15150-69 Sumin)
Gruzovik, auto. автомобильный транспорт (mechanical transport)
Gruzovik, mil. автотранспорт (mechanical transport); военно-автомобильный транспорт (mechanical transport); автотракторный (mechanical-transport); автотранспортный (mechanical-transport); подвижные средства (motor transport, mechanical transport)
Gruzovik, scient. среднее время (mean time)
med. Мегавольтное облучение (Megavolt treatment mik_br)
nautic. motor tanker моторный танкер (aptr)
O&G млн. тонн (MichaelBurov); миллионов тонн (MichaelBurov); Magnetic Test Магнитное испытание (xlatoress); магнитопорошковый метод исследования (MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION marysa21); контроль магнитных частиц (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G, sakh. magnetic particle testing магнитопорошковая дефектоскопия (pipa1984)
oil насосно-компрессорные трубы малого диаметра (менее 50 мм); портовая нефтебаза (marine terminal); техник по обслуживанию и ремонту (maintenance technician); средняя наработка (mean time); магнитотеллурический метод (разведки полезных ископаемых)
pharm. минитаблетки (Alexx B)
SAP.tech. тип сообщения
tech. КМ (конус Морзе Yuriy83)
Mt abbr.
gen. млн. т (Alexander Demidov)
dril. горный (mountain); гора (mountain)
mil. Мт; мегатонна
mt abbr.
Makarov. митохондриальный (mitochondrial)
nautic. торговое судно (merchant vessel eleneva)
mT abbr.
phys. миллитесла (MyxuH); мТорр (единица давления gavsyatina)
Mt. abbr.
Makarov. гора (при названиях)
 English thesaurus
MT abbr.
abbr. Maltese; Management Team; Margaret Thatcher; Marine Terminal; Metric Tonnes; Metric Tons; Million Tons; Montana; Mother Tongue; Musical Theater; Machine assisted Translation; magnetic tape; mail transfer; mail tray; Maintenance Trainer; Management Of Technology; Mannesmann Tally (gmbh, Hersteller); Marked Text; Marker Type; Master Taxidermist; Master Time; Master Tools; Master Trainer; Mating Type; mean tide; Meaningful Talk; mechanical translation; megaton; Menu Text; Message Transfer / Type; Message Transmission; metal threshold; Metal Treatment; meteorological; Metered Tariff; Metric Tonne; Micro Tubules; Micron Technologies; Mike Trout; Millennium Turkey; Miniature Tube; Mint Tea; missed target; Missile Technology; Mitochondrial Targeting; Mobile Terminal; Mobile Termination (GSM, Mobile-Systems); Modus Tollens; Moluccas Time (+0830, TZ); Money Talks; Monitor Type; Most Troublesome; Mountain Time; Move Tutor; Movement Tracker; Music Trader; mobile terminated; meterological; monetary telephone; manufacturing technician
abbr., auto. manual transmission; manual transaxle; master tire pressure gauge; mechanical transmission
abbr., automat. Morse taper
abbr., avia. Manual Trip (Zealot2002); Mach trim; maintenance training; master tool; manufacturing tolerance; masking template; maximum thermometer; memory tube; mercurial thermometer; minimum thermometer; missile tracker; modular tool; modulation type; monitor technique
abbr., avia., med. mirror tracking; movement time
abbr., busin. matric ton; measurement; measurement ton; mechanized transport; meet; multiple address telegrams; my telex
abbr., chem. medium thermal (carbon black)
abbr., commer. Manufacturing Technology (см. MANTECH Manufacturing Technology); modern trade (как канал дистрибуции // Е. Тамарченко, 28.04.2017 Евгений Тамарченко); multimodel transport
abbr., commun. mobile-terminated
abbr., comp., net. Message Type
abbr., dril. meter
abbr., earth.sc. mafic tonalite; maritime tropical air mass; medium temperature; mineral turpentine
abbr., ecol. minimum tillage
abbr., econ. middling tinged
abbr., ed., scient. Mid Term
abbr., el. magic tee; magnetotransistor; maintenance terminal; maintenance tree; manifold technique; marginal testing; maritime terminal; mass transport; master terminal; measurement transducer; measuring transducer; mechanically transferable (connector); memory tracking; mesh topology; message trunking; micro teaching; microtubule polymer; monitor terminal; multimedia terminal; multimedia toolkit; multiple-trapping; multipoint tributary; multitasking; multitrack
abbr., electr.eng. maximum torque; measuring transformer; medium tension (voltage Yakov)
abbr., expl. mt maximum torque
abbr., file.ext. Message Table
abbr., genet. mitotic time
abbr., geogr. Montana (Vosoni); ___
abbr., geophys. magneto-telluric (MichaelBurov); magnetotelluric (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Empty; Multi Threaded
abbr., interntl.trade. multimodal transport
abbr., IT Machine Translation; Magnetic Tape; Mobile Telephone; minitower; message transfer
abbr., lab.eq. Membrane Type
abbr., life.sc. metallothionein; microtubule
abbr., Makarov. motor transport (Motor transport (MT) refers to the operation and maintenance of a military vehicle fleet (especially trucks), and sometimes to the servicemembers to operate and maintain them. Traditionally, motor transport organizations are responsible for a unit's military trucks and associated equipment, as well as the transport of personnel and material from one place to another. In a unit employing towed artillery, motor transport provides the prime movers. WAD Alexander Demidov)
abbr., meas.inst. measuring tool (igisheva)
abbr., med. Mammary Tumor; Manual Traction; Maximal Therapy; More Than; Muscles And Tendons; Muscle Test; Medical Technologist; MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST (фельдшер-лаборант LEkt); maintenance therapy (Ying); malignant tertian (Ying); malignant tumour (Ying); mammary tumour (Ying); Mantoux test (Ying); Martin-Thayer (Ying); Massage Therapist (Ying); massive transfusion (Ying); Masson's trichrome (Ying); mating type (Ying); medial thalamic (Ying); medial wall thickness (Ying); medical therapy (Ying); membrana tympani tympanic membrane (Ying); mesangial thickening (Ying); metastatic tumour (Ying); metatarsal (Ying); methotrexate (Ying); methyltestosterone (Ying); metoprolol tartrate (Ying); micturation threshold (Ying); middle temporal (Ying); middle turbinate (Ying); mid-trachea (Ying); miliary tuberculosis (Ying); mitochondria (Ying); monotherapy (Ying); more than (Ying); motor time (Ying); mucociliary transport (Ying); Muir-Torre (Ying); multiple trauma (Ying); multitask (Ying); multiple transfusion (Ying); mural thrombus (Ying); murine typhus (Ying); muscle thickness (Ying); muscles and tendons (Ying); musculotendinous (Ying); mutated (Ying); music therapy (Ying); Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Ying); myogenic tone (Ying); Medical Technology; Medical Transcriptionist; Monitor Technician; medical training; membrane tympany (eardrum); microtubules; serum melatonin
abbr., media. Musical Theatre
abbr., metrol. mean temperature (igisheva)
abbr., mil. Metric Ton; Military Technology (qwarty); military technician; ministry team
abbr., mil., avia. machine time
abbr., O&G million tonnes
abbr., O&G, casp. marine tank (raf)
abbr., O&G, sakh. magnetic test; magnetic testing; metric ton (1,102 U.S. tons or 2,205 pounds); metric ton (1.102 U.S. tons or 2,205 pounds); magnetotelluric
abbr., oil empty (andrushin); macaroni tubing; magnetite; magnetotellurics; marine terminal; material transfer (andrushin); metric tonne (s serz); di p-isocyanophenyl methane; macaroni temperature; machine tool; magnetic tellurics (magnetotelluric method); magnetic track; magnetic tube; manual test; master timer; mass transfer; merchant tanker; mechanical test; median terminal; medium tenacity; memorandum trade; microwave transmission; middle Tertiary rocks; migration time; million metric tonnes; modified tannin; monoterpenoids; motor torque; mud temperature; mud type; multi-terminal; multi-tester
abbr., pharm. melatonin
abbr., phys. magnetotransmission (inplus)
abbr., physiol. Malignant Tertian fever; Mantoux Test
abbr., polit. Malta
abbr., polym. magnetic particle test; mean time; medium thermal; medium-tenacity
abbr., post Maintenance Technician (DBCS); Mechanized Terminal (CFS)
abbr., progr., IT Movable Type
abbr., publ.law. Ministry of Transport (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Mechanical / Motor Transport; Missile Target; Mobile Target; Moscow Time; Multi-frequency Transducer; Malta (NATO country code); Montana (US state)
abbr., semicond. muffin tin
abbr., space mission time; mission trajectory; mobile transporter; multiplex telemetering
abbr., st.exch. meta trader (сокр. Alex Lilo)
abbr., tech. Military training; missile tracking
abbr., telecom. mobile terminal (напр., мобильный телефон Georgy Moiseenko)
abbr., textile multilateral trade
abbr., tradem. Micron Technology
chem. Meitnerium
energ.ind. melt-through
int.transport. motor tanker
meteorol. maritime tropical; meteorological office; synoptic surface reports
mil. machine translation; maintenance technician; maintenance time; maintenance trailer; management team; manning table; mechanical technician; mechanical time; mechanical transport; medical treatment; medium tank; medium truck; military tractor; military training; military transport; missile technician; missile test; missile tilt; missile trainer; mission trainer; motor; motor terminal; motor traction; mountain transport; moving target
mil., abbr. motor transport
O&G total net anode mass
physiol. Manual traction
tech. magnetic particle testing; magnetotelluric method; multiple transfer; main telescope; maintenance department; material type; materials test; measured time; melt through; microphotometer trace; military translator; mirror telescope; mitochondrial; mode transducer; mounting
tradem. Matrix
MT. abbr.
abbr., econ. metric ton
abbr., textile middling tinged
Mt abbr.
abbr. mountain
abbr., earth.sc. meteorology; million ton
lat. Gospel according to St. Matthew
mt abbr.
abbr. transverse mass
abbr., earth.sc. matildite
abbr., econ. mortgage
abbr., mil. megaton MT
biol. mitochondria
O&G, sakh. tonne
abbr., meteorol. mount
Mt. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mount; mountain
mt. abbr.
abbr. megaton
abbr., earth.sc. measurement
MTASCP abbr.
abbr., med. Medical Technologist Certified By The American Society Of Clinical Pathologists
: 171 phrases in 34 subjects
Artificial intelligence15
Cables and cable production2
Oil and gas3
Oil and gas technology1