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MSF nstresses
el. массовая память; внешнее ЗУ большой ёмкости; хранилище данных
fr. Врачи без границ (Mэdecins Sans Frontiгres Дюнан)
Gruzovik, mil. мобильные ударные силы (Mobile Striking Forces)
MSF abbr.
gen. Врачи без границ (Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, or Doctors Without Borders, demands independent probe of Afghan a)
abbr. международная организация "Врачи без границ"
amer. Врачи без границ (MSF, or Doctors Without Borders in French, demands independent probe of Afghan attack. Val_Ships)
geol. сокр. от maximum flooding surface = поверхность максимального затопления (одно из базовых понятий сиквенсной стратиграфии – sequence startigraphy Углов)
O&G, sakh. несущая конструкция модуля (module support frame); НКМ (module support frame); подмодульная рама (module support frame); ПР (module support frame)
silic. тысяча квадратных футов (Val Voron)
tech. дистилляция мгновенным вскипанием (Multi-Stage Flash Distillation (метод опреснения, предусматривающий испарение морской воды последовательно через много камер (Flash Chambers), в которых постепенно снижается давление) Ying)
 English thesaurus
MSF abbr.
abbr. Mad Sodding Frontrunner; Manufacturing Science And Finance; Manufacturing Science Finance; Martha Stewart Functions; Medecin Sans Frontiers; Michael Stern Foundation; Minute Second Frame; Minutes Seconds Fillaseconds; maximum flooding surface; Medicines Sans Frontiers; Multi-Stage Flash; My Sexual Fantasy; minesweeper, fleet, steel hull; mine-sweeping flotilla; methanesulfonyl fluoride
abbr., avia. maintenance support flight; metal-space-frame; material science facility; multisensor fuse
abbr., cables microspectrofluorimetry
abbr., earth.sc. manhole surface flooding; massive sulfide facies
abbr., el. magnetostatic focusing; mapping standard format; message stack file; multichannel selective filter; multi-scan function
abbr., el., scient. Multiple Stage Filter
abbr., file.ext. Master Source File
abbr., fr. decins Sans Frontiè (Дюнан); res (Дюнан)
abbr., immunol. macrophage soluble factor
abbr., inet. Multi Streaming Facility
abbr., IT Microsoft Solutions Framework; Msg Summary File; Multiple Sequence File; Multiple Sequence Format; Microsoft Solution Framework
abbr., med. Multiple Sclerosis Foundation; Médecin Sans Frontières - Doctors Without Borders DWB - Doctors Without Borders USA; Molecular Simulations File; Médicins Sans Frontières Doctors Without Borders; macrophage slowing factor; mitochondrial-import stimulation factor
abbr., media. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein
abbr., microel. Machine Support Frames (NNB)
abbr., mil. Message Security Filter; Mission Support Forces; Mobile Strike Force; mission support force; mobile security force; multiplex signal format
abbr., O&G, casp. main support frame (raf); module storage facility (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, oilfield. multi-stage fracturing (igisheva); multistage fracturing (igisheva)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. module support frame
abbr., oil median size of fossils; micellar solution flooding; milli-square foot
abbr., opt. matched spatial filter
abbr., org.name. Doctors Without Borders; Médecins Sans Frontières; Multistakeholder Forum on Sustainable Banana Production and Trade
abbr., police Most Similar Force
abbr., post Maintenance Support Facility (MSO which provides support technicians to field sites)
abbr., scottish Multisensor Fusion
abbr., space materials science facility; maximum suitable frequency; multi-sensor fuse
abbr., sport. Major Streetball Foundation; Motorcycle Stunt Fund
abbr., st.exch. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Emerging Markets Fund, Inc.
abbr., transp. Motorcycle Safety Foundation
abbr., water.suppl. Multistage flash (Altuntash)
chem. multistage flash evaporation
energ.ind. multiply seal fins
mil. Fleet Minesweeper; militarily significant fallout; mission simulator facility; mobile striking force; mobility support forces
tech. manned space flight; mass storage facility; medium standard frequency
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects