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MK abbr.stresses
O&G Магнитный каротаж (glenfoo)
polit. депутат кнессета (Member of Knesset Antonio)
MK abbr.
oil Mикpoзoндиpoвaниe (Mикpoкapoтaж, Mикpoзoнды glenfoo)
mk. abbr.
gen. рынок
 English thesaurus
MK abbr.
abbr. Macedonian; Mama Knows; Marvel Knights; Merrimac; Michael Kornick; Milton Keynes; Miss Kitty; Mission Kontrol; Mort Klein; Mrs Kennedy; Multy Kontact; Mystic Klan; V Mark V Special Operations Craft; Member of Knesset
abbr., afr. Umkhonto we Sizwe
abbr., auto. master kit; mechanical key code
abbr., avia. Air Mauritius
abbr., busin. make
abbr., commer. Malawi Kwacha; markka
abbr., earth.sc. mackinawite; Mann-Kendall Test; microcline; Morgan-Keenan
abbr., ed. Missionary Kid
abbr., file.ext. Makefile (Vosoni)
abbr., inet. Mind Kontrol
abbr., IT Makefile; Micro Kernel
abbr., med. Megakaryocyte; Monkey Kidney; Myokinase; menaquinone (vitamin K2)
abbr., mil. Mark
abbr., mil., air.def. main key
abbr., mil., avia. manual clock
abbr., mil., WMD Morrison-Knudsen
abbr., physiol., med. Marked
abbr., polit. Macedonia
abbr., scottish Maschinen Kanone (Germany); Morrison Knudsen Corp. (USA); Umkhonto we Sizswe (South Africa)
abbr., sec.sys. master key; message key
abbr., sec.sys., IT Modular Key
abbr., sport. Match King; Medium Kick; Mortal Kombat
abbr., st.exch. Morrison Knudsen Corporation
mil. miscellaneous kit; modification kit; Morse key
tech. microwave klystron
mk abbr.
abbr. microphone
mks. abbr.
abbr., econ. mark (s)
mk abbr.
polym. mark
mK abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. millikelvin
Mk abbr.
lat. Gospel according to St. Mark
MK: 19 phrases in 8 subjects
Weapons of mass destruction1