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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
MCP nstresses
med. моноцитарный хемотаксический белок (monocyte chemotactic protein Shell)
MCPS abbr.
O&G, oilfield. МКНС (City Monk)
Mcps abbr.
antenn. мегагерц
MCPs abbr.
telecom. платформы MCP (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
MCP abbr.
abbr., avia. maintenance control position; MONCO Communication Protocol
MCPS abbr.
abbr. Millions Of Connections Per Second
abbr., avia. major cost proposal system
abbr., ed., scient. Morgridge Center for Public Service
abbr., el. mini-core processing subsystem
abbr., file.ext. Microsoft Certified Product Specialist (Microsoft)
abbr., IT Microsoft certified products specialists
abbr., med. Member Of The College Of Physicians And Surgeons; Mechanical Copyright Protection Society; Member of College of Physician & Surgeons
abbr., mil. Military Committee in Permanent Session (НАТО)
abbr., mil., avia. megacycle per second
Mcps abbr.
abbr. megacycles per second
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2