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LAT nstresses
gen. раздельное проживание супругов (Living Apart Together wikipedia.org Vlad B); режим раздельного проживания супругов (Vlad B); гостевой брак (definitely used in the USA, found in a Newsweek article: We are in a LAT, a "living apart together' relationship, in which we are two hours apart from each other... Pooh)
astronaut. телескоп большой площади (MichaelBurov)
clin.trial. локальная абляционная терапия (Local ablation therapy Nityasri)
comp., net. транспортный протокол для терминального сервера; передача в локальной сети; протокол LAT
el. приёмочные испытания партий ЭРИ (Lot acceptance testing the_wanderer)
ice.form. наинизший возможный по астрономическим условиям уровень моря (the lowest water level possible under astronomical conditions)
nautic. наинизший теоретический уровень прилива (tatnik)
O&G, sakh. наименьший астрономический прилив (Lowest Astronomic Tide)
scient. широкоугольный телескоп ("Large Area Telescope" Alex_Odeychuk)
tech. наинизший астрономический уровень отлива (ГОСТ Р 54382-2011 r0a73); Лабораторные приёмо-сдаточные испытания (laboratory aceptance testing Transperfect)
yacht. Латвия (Обозначения на парусах)
lat n
anat. широчайшая мышца спины (от latissimus dorsi Alcha)
bank. лат (денежная единица Латвии)
ecol. наинизший астрономический приливной уровень
mil., tech. уборная
mil., tech., inf. отхожее место
lats n
sport. широчайшие мышцы; широчайшие мышцы спины (Tamerlane)
 English thesaurus
LAT abbr.
abbr. Latin; linear accelerator tube
abbr., anim.husb. latex agglutination test
abbr., avia. landing approach trainer
abbr., cartogr. lateral (canal)
abbr., comp., net., IT Local Area Transport
abbr., drw. lateral latitude
abbr., earth.sc. land air temperature; line acquisition tester; low-alumina tholeiite
abbr., el. large-angle-tilt (implantation); large aperture thickening electrode (electron lens); link-attached terminal; lithium ammonium tartrate monohydrate; local area terminal; local area transport protocol
abbr., file.ext. Local Access Terminal
abbr., karate. Large Area Telescope (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. L-type Amino Acid Transporter; Latissimus Dorsi (muscle); latency associated transcript (ННатальЯ); local activation time (harser); late asthmatic responses; linker of activation in T cells
abbr., med., dis. long-acting therapy (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Latitude
abbr., mil., avia. language aptitude test
abbr., nautic., scient. Lossless Acoustic Transducer
abbr., O&G, casp. Low Astronomic Tide (raf)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Lowest Astronomic Tide
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. low astronomical tide
abbr., oil logged after trip; liter-atmosphere; logging after trip; lower annular temperature
abbr., pharm. antimony lithium thiomalate
abbr., pharma. Loading Accumulation Table (Olga_Tyn)
abbr., phys., scient. Lowest Achievable Temperature
abbr., physiol., med. Last Action Type; Lidocaine, Adrenaline and Tetracaine
abbr., qual.cont. launch acceptance test
abbr., scottish Liebherr-Aero-Technik GmbH (Germany); Light Anti-Tank
abbr., sec.sys. Livelihood Assessment Toolkit
abbr., space large angle torque; lot acceptance test
abbr., UN, geol. lowest astronomical tide
mil. local apparent time
mil., abbr. laser acquisition and tracking; learning ability test; level above threshold
physiol., abbr. Lateral
tech. large aperture telescope
tech., abbr. local address table
LATS abbr.
abbr. Latin American Telecommunications Summit
abbr., biol. long-acting thyroid stimulator
abbr., environ. Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme
abbr., lab.eq. long acting thyroid stimulator
abbr., scottish Light Armoured Turret System
abbr., st.exch. L A T Sportswear, Inc.
abbr., transp. London Area Transport Survey
mil. light air-transportable system
lat abbr.
abbr. latitude
abbr., expl. laboratory
abbr., med. lateral
abbr., oil laterititic
agric. latent
mil., lingo latrine (MichaelBurov)
Lat abbr.
abbr. lake; little; laterite; Latin
abbr., cartogr. length; loch; lough
lat. abbr.
abbr. lateral
abbr., tech. latitude
Lat. abbr.
abbr. Latch's Reports
geogr. Latvia (Vosoni)
meteorol. latitude
LATS abbr.
abbr., avia. large aperture technology satellite
abbr., biol. longacting thyroid stimulator
abbr., el. laser automatic tracking system; launch area theodolite system; lightweight antenna terminal seeker; logic and timing simulation; luminescence-assisted two-photon spectroscopy
abbr., immunol. long acting thyroid stimulator (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil., air.def. large aperture tracking system
abbr., space laser acquisition and tracking system; launcher automatic test set; low altitude target satellite; low angle tracking system
mil., abbr. low-angle tracking system
USA Leadership and Transformation Seminar
: 22 phrases in 14 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Military lingo1
Money & world curencies2
Security systems1