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locs nstresses
slang дредлоки (сокращение от dreadlocks: His long locs swing as he shakes his head wikipedia.org Snotra); локи (сокращение от dreadlocks: His long locs swing as he shakes his head wikipedia.org Snotra); дреды (сокращение от dreadlocks: His long locs swing as he shakes his head wikipedia.org Snotra)
LOC abbr.
gen. местные компании (Local Operating Companies Dimash)
abbr. Локарнская международная классификация промышленных образцов (Locarno International Classification Vilesov); Локарнское соглашение об учреждении Международной классификации промышленных образцов (Vilesov)
avia. курсовой маяк (localizer rekla); курсовой радиомаяк (MichaelBurov)
bank. аккредитивное письмо (MichaelBurov)
ecol. ПДК (сокр. LOC-предельно допустима концентрация или Motivator)
Gruzovik, econ. гарантийное письмо (letter of commitment)
Gruzovik, mil. линия связи (line of communications)
O&G разгерметизация (Loss of containment INT)
sport. Местный Олимпийский комитет (Local Olympic commitee Zorky Vzor)
weld. резка кислородным копьём (Yeldar Azanbayev)
loc abbr.
dril. местоположение (location); местный (local); местность (locality)
Makarov. адрес ячейки памяти (location); ячейка памяти (location)
LoC abbr.
avia. потёря управления (geseb)
 English thesaurus
LOC abbr.
abbr. Letter Of Comment; Letter Of Content; Library of Congress; Line Of Credit; Lost Opportunity Cost; line of credit (Alexander Matytsin); LAN Operations Center (LAN); Local Organizing Committee (A111981); Lords Of Cocksucking; lead on chip; line of code
abbr., auto. light off catalyst; light-off converter; locationlocating; lock
abbr., avia. localizer beacon (MichaelBurov); local cargo; locate or location; locator; list of overhaulable components; local altimeter setting; localize transmitter; Lockheed Corporation U. S. A.
abbr., bank. letter of credit (MichaelBurov); L/C (MichaelBurov); LC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. Lines of Code; laco
abbr., commun. loss of cell delineation
abbr., ed. Letter of Credit
abbr., el. large optical cavity (laser); laboratory on a chip; lead-on-chip layout; leads-over-chip design; linked object code; location counter; lock-on counter; loop optical carrier; loss of cell; lowest outgoing channel; low output capacitor (camera tube)
abbr., el., scient. Level of concern
abbr., file.ext. Loop On-Line Control
abbr., immunol. lab-on-a-chip (skaivan)
abbr., insur. letter of credit
abbr., IT Lines Of Code; Localization string resource header file
abbr., Makarov. line of communications; localizer
abbr., med. loss of consciousness; level of consciousness (Vosoni)
abbr., mil. Lines Of Communication; Localizer; Logistics Operation Center; lines of communication loc
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. local operations center
abbr., oil located; location; Level of concern (The concentration in air of an extremely hazardous substance above which there may be serious immediate health effects to anyone exposed to it for short periods of time.); light-oil column; line of correlation; look-on counter
abbr., physiol. Level Of Care; Level Of Consciousness
abbr., physiol., med. Level of consciousness; Loss Of Consciousness; Loss Of Consciousness, Level Of Care; Lost Of Consciousness
abbr., police Line of Control
abbr., scient. lab-on-a-chip micro total analysis system µTAS (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Level of Capability; Line Of Contact; Local Operations Console; Localiser (element of ILS); Logistics Operations Centre; Line of Control (divides disputed region of Kashmir)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Low Overhead Cipher
abbr., space launch operators console; letters of credit; loss of crew
abbr., tech. lines of communications; Locus of Control (Andrey Truhachev)
account. Letters of Comment
IT Loss of Cell delineation (UNI, ATM)
law letter of commitment
meteorol. locally
mil. launch operations center; launch operations complex; letter of comment; letter of compliance; liaison officer coordinator; limited operational capability; line of communication; lines of communication; logistics operations center
tech. large optical cavity laser
loc abbr.
abbr. local; locality; locate
abbr., comp. location
inf. locomotive
O&G abnd location abandoned
loc. abbr.
abbr. locative (case Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. local; locality; location
abbr., railw. locomotive
LOCS abbr.
abbr. ILS Localizer
mil. Location
mil., abbr. Library of Congress; Location
LoC abbr.
abbr. Library of Congress
Loc. abbr.
abbr., commer. laco
lat. Locus ("place")
Loc abbr.
abbr., oil Lochkovia
: 33 phrases in 18 subjects
Quantum electronics1
SAP tech.1