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LG nstresses
gen. Леди ордена Подвязки (Lady of the Order of the Garter kOzerOg)
abbr. световая защита (Light Guard warsheep)
dril. указатель уровня (level glass)
LG abbr.
Gruzovik, econ. овёс (light grains)
lg abbr.
energ.ind. длина (сокращение на чертеже VPK)
Makarov. десятичный логарифм (decimal logarithm)
Lg abbr.
auto. светло-зеленый
dril. водомерное стекло (level glass); уровнемер (level glass)
 English thesaurus
LG abbr.
abbr. light automatic gun; light guide
abbr., avia. logic gate; left gunner
abbr., busin. language; lining; loss and gain; low-grade
abbr., chem. Leucylglycine
abbr., dril. low gravity
abbr., earth.sc. lagoon-gulfs; leucogabbro; level gage
abbr., oil lagoon-gulf; lean gas; legal value; level gauge; Liaison Group; liberated gas; ligroine; loop gain
abbr., space laser gyro
abbr., tech. low gear
LG abbr.
abbr. Lazy Guy; Letter of Guarantee; Linkage Group; Looking Good; Lucky Group; ACC Director of Logistics; Larry Giles; Leader Goldstar; Leather Girl; Line Graph; Linear Gate; List Grids; Little Girl; Living Quarters (Yeldar Azanbayev); Lost Goldstar; Lost Guts; lovely greetings; Lover Girl; Lunar Government
abbr., auto. light green; liquified gas; logic ground; luggage
abbr., avia. light gun; laser gyroscope (gyro); local gluing
abbr., BrE Life Guards
abbr., comp., IT Lucky Goldstar
abbr., comp., net., IT Local Group
abbr., ed., scient. Letter Grade
abbr., el. light generator; line group; load generator; logical group; Lucky-Goldstar Group
abbr., file.ext. Compressed file archive (Arhangel); Logo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo)
abbr., food.ind. Large Gulp; Lip Gloss
abbr., goldmin. Lerchs-Grossmann's Algorithm (mine Bema)
abbr., inet. Last Guess; Lazy Gourmet; Little Guy
abbr., IT Legend Group; Line Good; Lions Gate; Log General; line generator; lucky Goldstar (Bricker)
abbr., law Lying Girl
abbr., med. Lennox-Gastaut (syndrome); Liver Graft; dl-leucylglycine
abbr., mil. deputy chief of staff for logistics
abbr., mining. low-grade (руда vbadalov)
abbr., polit. Latvia
abbr., polym. large-grain
abbr., relig. Living God
abbr., sport. Laggy Game; Last Game
abbr., st.exch. LaClede Gas Company
abbr., tech. lubricating grease (13.05)
abbr., textile Large
abbr., tradem. Lord's Gym
gas.proc. longwall gasifier
mil. landing ground; landing group; large grain; launcher group; Lewis gun; liquid gas; logistics group
tech. liquefied gas
lg abbr.
abbr. large; left guard; length; long; low grade; logarithmic
abbr., conv.notation. log10 (десятичный логарифм igisheva)
avia. landing gear
insur. Loading
mining. logarithm
O&G level glass
tech., abbr. common logarithm
Lg abbr.
abbr. lengthy
lg. abbr.
abbr., commer. long
abbr., earth.sc. length; logarithm
abbr., textile light grayish
Lg abbr.
energ.ind. loss in dry products of combustion
Lg. abbr.
abbr. large grain
abbr., earth.sc. large; leucogranites; low grade
Lg/ abbr.
abbr., oil ligroin
: 32 phrases in 5 subjects
Gas processing plants1
Oil and gas25