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Lec nstresses
prop.name Лец
LECS abbr.
comp., net. сервер конфигурации эмулированной локальной сети; служба конфигурации эмуляции локальной сети
 English thesaurus
LEC abbr.
abbr. Layered Error Correction (CD); light emitting electrochemical cell (электрохимический светодиод Himera); ligand-exchange chromatography
abbr., biol. load-extension curve
abbr., biotechn. Lymphatic endothelial cell (Altuntash)
abbr., ed. Landmark Education Center
abbr., ed., scient. Lake Erie College
abbr., el. low emitter concentration (transistor); light emitter concentration; light-induced excess conductivity; liquid encapsulated Czochralski grown crystal; liquid-encapsulated Czochralski process [puller]; list execution condition; local exchange channel; local exposure dose control; localized environmental chamber; logical elimination code
abbr., el., scient. Liquid Encapsulation Czochralski
abbr., file.ext. Local Area Network Emulation Client
abbr., HF.electr. liquid encapsulated Czochralski
abbr., inet. Link Edit Control
abbr., IT LAN Emulation Client; Local Exchange Carrier; Local Exchange Company
abbr., law Law Enforcement Center
abbr., meteorol. Leprosy Elimination Campaign; Leukoencephalitis; Long Evans Cinnamon (rat); Low Energy Cardioversion; Lower Esophageal Contractility; lupus erythematosus cell; limbal epithelial cell (MyMedPharm_Info)
abbr., mil. Local Emergency Controls; lead environmental component
abbr., mil., avia. launch escape control
abbr., ophtalm. lens epithelial cell (MyMedPharm_Info)
abbr., opt. liquid encapsulated crystal
abbr., tradem. Landmark Education Corporation; Large Enterprise Company
mil. local engineering change; low extraction of cargo
tech. laser energy conversion; low-emitter concentration device
LECS abbr.
abbr. LAN Emulation Configuration Server; Local area network Emulation Configuration Server (ATM, LANE, LEC)
abbr., comp., net. local area network emulation configuration server
abbr., el. linearity error correction system
abbr., IT LAN Emulation Configuration Service
mil. launching equipment checkout set
tech. laser energy conversion system
LECs abbr.
abbr. Levy Exemption Certificates
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects