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LDP abbr.stresses
gen. с уплатой местных пошлин, налогов (local duty paid valerchen)
abbr. труба большого диаметра (large-diameter pipe alfa)
astronaut. пункт назначения полёта
auto. система контроля рядности движения (Yeldar Azanbayev)
comp., net. протокол распределения меток (Label Distribution Protocol Dmitry)
construct. Пакет проектной документации компании-лицензиара (Licensor Design Package Медведь)
IT обработка лингвистической информации
math. линейная двойственная задача (linear dual problem)
met. ТБД (трубы большого диаметра Ремедиос_П)
mil. лазерное целеуказание (Laser Designation Pod WiseSnake)
 English thesaurus
LDP abbr.
abbr. language data processing; Linux Document Projects (Linux); lower dead point; long-day plants
abbr., auto. Lane Departure Prevention (ВВладимир); leak detection pump
abbr., avia. leaflet dispensing pod
abbr., bot. long-day plant (iwona)
abbr., busin. leadership
abbr., comp. Loader Debugger Protocol (Vosoni); Long Delay Path (Vosoni); load, double precision
abbr., comp., net. Berkeley UNIX Line Printer Daemon Protocol
abbr., comp., net., IT Label Distribution Protocol
abbr., earth.sc. lumped discrete programming
abbr., el. Langmuir diffusion pump; laser disc player; lightguide distribution panel; light-induced diffusion pulling; load program
abbr., el., scient. Low Density Plasma
abbr., IT Linux Documentation Project; language data processor; Linguistic Data Processing
abbr., karate. landing decision point
abbr., med. Left Dorsoposterior (fetal Position); Lumbodorsal Pain; leukodepleted platelets (harser); liquid drug preparation (iwona); left dorso-posterior (position of the fetus)
abbr., met. Linz-Donawitz process
abbr., mil., avia. landing decision point
abbr., oil London daily price; long distance pigging; low-density particles; lower-limit of delta pressure
abbr., physiol. Lumbo-Dorsal Pain
abbr., physiol., med. Lumbo-dorsal pain
abbr., polit. Liberal Democratic Party
abbr., scottish Laser Designator Pod; Local Distribution Point
abbr., space load double precision
abbr., st.exch. London Pacific Group, LTD.
mil. logistics data package
tech. large diameter pipe; local data package; local data processor
Ldp abbr.
abbr. ladyship; lordship
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects