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LDL nstresses
comp., MS ЛНП (A class of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol through the blood and around the body, for use by cells)
Gruzovik, IT метаязык (language-description language)
Gruzovik, progr. язык описания языка (language-description language)
meas.inst. нижний предел чувствительности (Pothead)
med. ЛПНП (low-density lipoprotein – липопротеин низкой плотности Alex Lilo); липопротеид низкой плотности (MichaelBurov); липопротеин низкой плотности (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. литолого-плотностной каротаж (ЛПК; lithologic density log); прибор плотностного каротажа литологического разреза (Litho Density Log)
 English thesaurus
LDL abbr.
abbr. Laser Diode Laboratories; light direction layer
abbr., avia. landing direction light
abbr., bank. debt instruments intragroup loans, deposits in the UAE (above 10% share MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. loss during loading
abbr., commun. long-distance loop
abbr., earth.sc. laser diode laboratory
abbr., el. logical database level; logic description language; long drift length; lower than detection limit
abbr., el., scient. Lower Detection Limit
abbr., immunol. T cell-mediated lectin-dependent lysis
abbr., IT logic-based data language; long-distance line
abbr., lab.eq. low density lipids; Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
abbr., med. Loudness Discomfort Level; Low-density Lipoprotein; Low Density Lipoprotein; Low- Density Lipoprotein; low density lipoprotein (MichaelBurov); low-density lipoprotein (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Litho Density Log; lithologic density log
abbr., O&G, sakh. lithodensity log
abbr., O&G. tech. three detector litho density tool (MichaelBurov); TLD tool (MichaelBurov); TLD log (MichaelBurov); three detector litho density log (MichaelBurov); LDT (MichaelBurov); litho-density tool (MichaelBurov); TLD (MichaelBurov); three-detector lithodensity logging (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil lowest published lethal dose; litho-density log
abbr., prof.jarg. Low Decision Latitude (Ocupational health term. Interex)
abbr., st.exch. Lydall, Inc.
med. low density lipoproteins
tech. laser data link
LDLP abbr.
abbr., chem. low density lipoprotein
: 25 phrases in 4 subjects
Medical appliances1