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LCR abbr.stresses
gen. коэффициент общей ликвидности (Alexander Demidov)
bank. коэффициент покрытия ликвидности (сокр. от "liquidity coverage ratio" Alex_Odeychuk)
comp., net. маршрутизация по критерию наименьшей стоимости
el. индуктивность-ёмкость-сопротивление (Rele)
nucl.pow. реактор на быстрых нейтронах со свинцовым теплоносителем (MichaelBurov); быстрый ядерный реактор со свинцовым теплоносителем (MichaelBurov); быстрый свинцовый реактор (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
LCR abbr.
abbr. Laundry Clean Ring; Loan To Cost Ratio; Lower Clinton River; Lufbra Cheese Reunion; inductance-capacitance resistance; Losers Called Republicans
abbr., avia. La Chorrera, Colombia; least cost routine; left-center-right; liaison change request; line condition report; liquid crystal reticule
abbr., bank. liquidity coverage ratio (Basel III 'More)
abbr., biotechn. ligase chain reaction
abbr., chem., scient. Low Concentrated Retentate
abbr., comp., net. least-cost routing
abbr., econ. lowest current rate (наименьшая цена на данный момент Yuriy83)
abbr., el. language change report; lateral comer reflector; least cdst routing; lowest cost routing; liquid crystal retarder; local cleanroom
abbr., energ.ind. liquid cooled reactor
abbr., file.ext. Line Control Register
abbr., gen.eng. ligase-chain reaction (Игорь_2006); low calcium response (plasmid Игорь_2006)
abbr., insur. largest claims reinsurance
abbr., IT Least Cost Routing; Long Cable Runs
abbr., lab.eq. Ligase chain reaction
abbr., math., scient. Left Center Right; Locus Control Region
abbr., nucl.pow. lead cooled reactor (MichaelBurov); lead-cooled reactor (MichaelBurov); lead cooled fast reactor (MichaelBurov); lead-cooled fast reactor (MichaelBurov); leadcooled fast reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. local control room
abbr., scottish Laboratoire Central de Recherches, Thomson-CSF (France)
mil. landing craft, rocket; landing craft, rubber; lieutenant commander; logistic change report
O&G lower circulation reflux
tech. large component removal; line condition report system; log count rate; low compression ratio
LCRS abbr.
abbr., el. left-center-right-surround
LCr abbr.
abbr. level crossing
LCR abbr.
abbr. inductance-capacitance-resistance
abbr., earth.sc. Louisiana Coastal Region
abbr., oil level controller and recorder; liquid chloroprene rubber; low contrast resistivity
abbr., pharm. leurocristine
abbr., space low cross range
abbr., UN Landcare Research (agrabo); Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office (agrabo)
: 10 phrases in 7 subjects
Clinical trial1