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LC nstresses
anat. голубоватое место (in the brain MichaelBurov); голубоватое пятно (in the brain MichaelBurov); голубое пятно (in the brain MichaelBurov); клетки голубоватого пятна в мозге (MichaelBurov)
busin. аккредитивное письмо
cables волоконно-оптическая вилка / адаптер типа LC с керамическим наконечником; волоконнооптическая вилка / адаптер типа LC с керамическим наконечником
comp., net. логический канал
construct. аккредитив
gastroent. малая кривизна (желудка; lesser curvature Ying)
Gruzovik, econ. затраты на рабочую силу (labor costs); контракт-письмо (letter-contract); кодекс законов о труде (Labor Code)
Gruzovik, mil. десантное плавучее средство (landing craft); десантно-высадочное средство (landing craft); десантный катер (landing craft)
Gruzovik, scient. жидкий кристалл (liquid crystal)
mech.eng., obs. марка особо тонкой жести (0,2 мм)
med. боковая доля (lateral compartment) напр., щитовидной железы Ying)
media. малогабаритный коннектор оптических кабелей фирмы Lucent Technologies, разработка 1997 г. (относится к поколению оптических коммутационных изделий, применяется керамический наконечник диаметром 1,25 мм и пластмассовый корпус с внешней лепестковой защёлкой для фиксации в гнезде соединительной розетки)
O&G, sakh. контролёр уровня (level controller); контроллер уровня (level controller); летальный порог воздействия (lethal concentration)
vet.med. крупные колонии (штаммов; large colony Olga47)
LCmin n
mil., WMD минимальная смертельная концентрация
LC adj.
math. логарифмически выпуклый (log-convex)
LC abbr.
anat. синее пятно (in the brain MichaelBurov)
busin. лорд-канцлер (Великобритания, Lord High Chancellor)
hydroel.st. варианты нагрузок (Load Cases; abbr., Hydropower shulig)
O&G, sakh. ЛПВ (lethal concentration); летальная концентрация
oil нефть, добытая на данном участке (lease crude); поглощение бурового раствора (loss of circulation); потеря циркуляции (loss of circulation); длинномуфтовое соединение для обсадных труб (long coupling)
pharma. заявленное количество (label claim Lviv_linguist)
SAP.tech. внутренняя валюта
LC50 abbr.
mil., WMD средняя смертельная концентрация
lc abbr.
abbr. контроль за потерями (loss control GRIffit)
Lc abbr.
qual.cont. цена деления (весов @lexandra)
 English thesaurus
LC abbr.
abbr., anat. locus caeruleus <редк.> (in the brain MichaelBurov)
abbr., crim.law. labor camp (igisheva); labour camp (igisheva)
abbr., med. longus colli muscle (Ying)
Lc abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. crinoidal limestone
LC abbr.
abbr. Letter of Credit; Library of Congress; Lincoln Center; The Library Of Congress; inductor-Capacitor circuit (as in filters, L is symbol inductance); Label Creator; labour costs (Vosoni); Lamb Chop; Lancaster and Chester Railway Company; Landing Certificate; Laser Cards; Last Character (Vosoni); leased circuit; landing cutter; liaison-cargo (aircraft); lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant-commander; light-case; light cruiser; liquid-composition bomb; Loaded cable; Lower Canada; Lower California; inductance-capacitance ratio; laundry chute; Law Court; Leach Cross; Leaf Color; Legal Committee; Legendary Classic; Legislative Council; length of chord; Leslie Charteris; Less Cable; Liberty Corporation of South Carolina; Licks Cock; Limited Credibility; Line Chaser; Line Compressed; line of communication; line-carrying; Linux Computer; Liquid Concentrate; List Coverage; Little Cat; load-compensating (relay); Lobby Card; Lobster Claw; Location Class; Locational Clearance; Logic Chain; Logistics Chain; London Clause; Loop Count; Loop Counter; Loopback Capability (UNI, ATM, OAM); Loose Cannon; Loran C; Lord Chamberlain; Lord Chancellor; Losing Control; Love Cat; low carbon; Lower Cassette; lowercase; lox clean; Luscious Cutie; Lyman Continuum; Lyman Cornelius; The Learning Center; LOGICAL CONNECTION (Artjaazz); local currency (slitely_mad); авто. low carbon
abbr., account. letter of credit (Although the term "letter of credit" is still widely used, in 1983 the International Chamber of Commerce recommended documentary credit as the preferred term for these instruments. Alexander Demidov)
abbr., anat. locus coeruleus (in the brain MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. lean combustion; lock clutch; low compression; low compression ratio
abbr., avia. landing chart; labour cost; leased channel; life cycles; lower compartment; learning curve; least concentration; left center; letter coordinates; limited clearance; line check; line connection; line contactor; line control; link control; load compensating (relay); load controller; logic channel; logistic condition; lower center; lubrication chart; luggage compartment
abbr., bank. L/C (MichaelBurov); letter of credit (MichaelBurov); LOC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biochem. light chain (TorroRosso)
abbr., BrE light car
abbr., busin. legal currency; letter and card; Lower Chamber; deferred cable; irrevocable letter of credit
abbr., cables link connector (MichaelBurov); lucent connector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. level crossing
abbr., chem. lyotropic liquid crystal
abbr., chem., scient. Liquid Cooled
abbr., commer. lettre de change; London cheque
abbr., commun. Line Center computer
abbr., comp. logic circuit
abbr., comp., net. logical channel
abbr., comp.name. Lubrizol Corp.; Lummus Crest Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. laboratory chemistry; Langmuir Circulation; lead concrete; least cost; leucite; lightweight concrete; limb-corrected; lime concrete; liquid chromatograph; low calorie; low carbonhydrate; Lower Colorado; lower crust
abbr., ed. Listening Comprehension
abbr., el. logic cell (ssn); LAN console; language converter; laptop computer; laser crystallization; leakage current; learning cycle; light channel (detection); light current; linear cryptanalysis; line callsign; line callup; line circuit; line coder; line communications; line controller; line of communications; link connection; loading chamber; loading coil; local call; local counter; logical comparison; lookahead computer; loop controller; lossless coding; lost cluster; low complexity; low conductance; loyalty card
abbr., el., scient. Limit Cycle; Liquid Chromatography; Liquid Crystal
abbr., electr.eng. lead-coated; limit conditions; load center; loss of contact
abbr., electric. line construction tools
abbr., food.ind. Low Cholesterol
abbr., gastroent. left colon (Баян)
abbr., HF.electr. inductor/capacitor
abbr., IT last card; line connector; link circuit; load cell; location counter
abbr., lab.eq. Laboratory Calculation
abbr., law Last Chance
abbr., med. Langerhans Cell; Langerhans' Cells; Left Circumflex (coronary Artery); Liver Cirrhosis; Living Children; Lung Cancer; Lung Cell; liver cirrhosis (Ying); live clinic
abbr., media. Left Channel
abbr., mil. Location Code; Lost Cause; Low Cost; Inductance-Capacitance; landing craft; lieutenant colonel; light case; Limited Capability; Line Charge (explosive system); light control; lake current; Logistics Committee
abbr., mil., avia. control logic
abbr., mil., WMD liquid chromatography
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. level controller
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. lock closed
abbr., O&G, sakh. lead chromate
abbr., oil lease crude; lifting cost (serz); lifting costs (serz); long coupling; lost circulation; lost cone (andrushin); landing collar; leucocratic; limestone conglomerate; limit of concentration; line concentrator; line of control; link controller; liquid chromatogram (chromatograph); liquid level controller; load cable; load cast; localized corrosion; loop check; low conversion; low-amplitude continuous facies; lower casing; lower characters; lower control; lumped circuit
abbr., pharma. label claim (Studentus)
abbr., physiol. Left Chest
abbr., physiol., med. Lethal Concentration
abbr., polit. Saint Lucia
abbr., polym. level control
abbr., post Lettres et Cartes (international letters and cards)
abbr., product. local content (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., scottish Laser Collimator; Lightweight Computer
abbr., space landing control; laser communication; launch cost; least-cost; letter of contract; logic comparation
abbr., sport. League Cup
abbr., sport., psychol. locus of control
abbr., swim. long course
abbr., tech. light concrete
abbr., telecom. Local connector (A1_Almaty)
abbr., textile Low Cut
abbr., tradem. Limited Company
ecol. lethal concentration
mil. lance corporal; land component; late commitment; launch complex; launch control; launch countdown; letter contract; lieutenant commander; life cycle; limited coordination; line of contact; lines of communication; liquid composition; load carrier; local channel; logistic capacity; logistics command; loud and clear
O&G lead covered; low pressure condensate
tech. in place cited; labor costs; legal counsel; load control; local control; local controller; locked closed; loco citato; logical child; logical circuit; low conductivity; lower control limit
LC50 abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD median lethal concentration
μLC abbr.
abbr., el. micrologic circuit
lc abbr.
abbr. lead-covered; liquid crystal
abbr., comp. lower-case
insur. label clause
polygr. lower case
Lc abbr.
abbr. leucoxene
LCmin abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD minimum lethal concentration
mil., WMD minimum lethal concentration
: 105 phrases in 37 subjects
Automatic control1
Cosmetics and cosmetology1
Electrical engineering2
Energy system2
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Mass media2
Oil processing plants2
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
Sakhalin R1
Weapons of mass destruction4