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KRAS nstresses
genet. гомолог вирусного онкогена крысиной саркомы Кирстена (Alex Lilo)
med. белок-протоонкоген KRAS (NiaChibikova)
Kra ['krɑ:] n
gen. Кра
 English thesaurus
KRA ['krɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Kempsville Recreation Association; Kill the Reidys of America; Key Recovery Alliance (organization, Verschluesselung); Key Result Areas (SEIC ABelonogov)
abbr., avia. Kerang, Victoria, Australia
abbr., ed. Kansas Reading Association
abbr., fin. KYC Registration Agency (Индия aht)
abbr., mil. Key Responsibility Area; Key Result Area
abbr., mil., avia. contractor-responsible items, authorized
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. key result area
abbr., polit. Kansas Republican Assembly
abbr., tradem. K. R. Anderson, Inc.
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects