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verb | abbreviation | to phrases
KO ['keɪ'əu] vstresses
gen. отправить в нокаут (в боксе); свалить; вывести из строя
KO ['keɪ'əu] abbr.
box. нокаут (knock-out Сергій Саржевський)
inf. нокаут; нокаутировать
oil резко изменивший направление (о стволе скважины, kicked-off); отсепарированный (о газе; knock-out)
ko ['keɪ'əu] abbr.
chinese.lang. гэ (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе Уэйда-Джайлза Alex_Odeychuk)
ling. ко (транскрипции по системе Поливанова, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков японского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе Хэпбёрна Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
KO ['keɪ'əu] abbr.
abbr. Coca Cola Company; Coca-Cola Company (символ акций Alex Lilo); Kelly Ordnance (ammunition headstamp - .50 Caliber Alex Lilo); Kelsey Osburn; kemetic orthodoxy (Alex Lilo); Key Offroad; Keystone Oaks (средняя школа в Пенсильвании Alex Lilo); kick off (Alex Lilo); Kick Out; kickoff (relay); Kills Others; kilo octet (Alex Lilo); Kiss Off; knight officer (Alex Lilo); Knight Online (MMORPG Alex Lilo); knowledge object (Alex Lilo); knowledge officer (Alex Lilo); Korean; knockout
abbr., auto. k ohms
abbr., avia. keep out
abbr., BrE King's Own
abbr., commer. Contracting Officer (Also CO)
abbr., dril. kicked off (deviated)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Knock Out
abbr., O&G, sakh. knockout (as in KO drum)
abbr., oil knocked out; kicked off; keep off
abbr., sport. knock out
tech. kicked-off; klystron oscillator
ko ['keɪ'əu] abbr.
abbr. kiloohm
O&G effective permeability to oil
Ko ['keɪ'əu] abbr.
abbr. knock-out
relig. A devotional association or confraternity which meets for religious purposes, though this may be only an aspect of the group's activities. For example, the ko may be essentially an age-mate social group formed of people born in the same year. Numerous ko beginning locally have developed into new religious movements over time. Nowadays many shrines have an office to recruit members to their ko during visits to the shrine, so that ko members may come from a wide area, including overseas Japanese communities. Traditional communities in Japan often had a number of ko devoted to various kami, Buddhist figures or Taoist deities, regarding all these as part of the same spiritual world. The anthropologist Hori, Ichiro in his study of Satoyamabe village, Nagano, found in addition to various shrines, temples, statues, iwai-den, stupas, and a multitude of other elements which provided a focus for religious devotion, the following ko: Koshin -ko, Nembutsu-ko, Ise -ko, Akiba -ko, Nijusan-ya-ko, Kannon -ko, Yama-no-kami -ko and Kinoene-ko A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)
KO. abbr.
abbr. keep off
KO: 121 phrases in 25 subjects
Gas processing plants1
Mass media2
Oil / petroleum21
Oil and gas5
Oil processing plants2
Sakhalin A1