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Juneteenth nstresses
gen. День отмены рабства (In the US) a festival held annually on the nineteenth of June by African Americans especially in the southern states), to commemorate emancipation from slavery in Texas on that day in 1865. ODE: Trump stirs anger with plans for Juneteenth rally in Tulsa, site of huge massacre of African Americans | Trump to restart rallies on Juneteenth in city with troubled racial history Alexander Demidov)
amer. День эмансипации (официальный праздник в штате Техас с 1890 г. Ying)
 English thesaurus
Juneteenth n
amer. Freedom Day (день освобождения от рабства; the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States dated back to June 19,1865 Val_Ships)
USA Freedom Day (the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States dated back to June 19,1865 Val_Ships)