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Institutional Review Boardstresses
clin.trial. Экспертный совет медицинского учреждения (WiseSnake)
pharm. ВКК (olga don)
USA Институциональный наблюдательный совет (IRB, аналог Комитета по Этике consilium-medicum.com doktortranslator)
institutional review board
clin.trial. институциональный наблюдательный совет (MichaelBurov); Институциональный ревизионный совет по вопросам этики (Korney); комиссия по биомедицинской этике
med. экспертный совет организации (официальное сокращение – ЭСО; согласно ГОСТР 52379-2005: НАДЛЕЖАЩАЯ КЛИНИЧЕСКАЯ ПРАКТИКА Maxxicum); внутренний контрольный комитет (Helga Tarasova)
 English thesaurus
Institutional Review Board
abbr., clin.trial. IRB (USA MichaelBurov)
busin., abbr. IRB
physiol., abbr. IRB (approves research protocols at hospitals)
institutional review board IRB
med. An independent committee of medical, scientific, and non-scientific members established to review, approve, and monitor research involving human participants. An institutional review board IRB protects the rights and welfare of human participants by assuring that a clinical trial is well designed, does not involve undue risks, and includes safeguards for participants. Any institution conducting or supporting research that involves human participants must appoint an IRB to monitor the research. see also clinical trial
Institutional Review Board: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Clinical trial2
Health care1