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IA nstresses
Gruzovik, IT непрямая адресация (indirect addressing)
Gruzovik, scient. заражённый район (infected area)
IT адрес команды; первое вхождение; косвенная адресация; интегральный адаптер; архитектура Intel; начальное появление
law закон о банкротстве (Insolvency Act Maria528)
O&G, casp. кем выдан (Yeldar Azanbayev)
SAP. несчастный случай на производстве
bank. международные стандарты финансовой отчётности (currently published as IFRS)
Ia. abbr.
abbr. Айова (Anglophile)
Ia abbr.
rel., christ. Ия (имя святой browser)
IA abbr.
Gruzovik, scient. инфразвуковой (infra-audible)
 English thesaurus
IA abbr.
abbr. international Angström
abbr., avia. inactive aircraft; inertial altitude; inertial autopilot; information adaption; inventory accounting; inspection authorization; installation approval; intelligent agent; intermediate altitude; internal authentication; international airport; interstage assembly; independent assessment
abbr., busin. inactive account; industrial aid; incorporated accountant; intangible assets
abbr., earth.sc. imagery analysis; impervious area; index of association; initial abstraction; integrated assessment; island arcs; natural isotopic abundance
abbr., exhib. independent action
abbr., IT identity association; information appliance; information architecture; international alphabet; indirect address
abbr., math. independent angle
abbr., met. isothermal anneal
abbr., oil image analyzer; impure arkose; income account; indirect action; inflating agent; informative abstract; inorganic acid; input area; input axis; Instrument Abstracts; interfacial adhesion; intermolecular attraction; international arbitration; intrinsic abrasion; iodine affinity; isothermal annealing; natural isotopic abundance; isotopic assignment
abbr., space imagery analysts; input axis of gyro; interagency agreement
abbr., sport. intelligence age
abbr., textile incorporated account
IUMS abbr.
abbr., med. International Union Of Microbiological Societies
Ia. abbr.
abbr. Indiana; Iowa
USA Iowa Reports
Ia abbr.
abbr. Iowa
abbr., med. immune region associated antigen
IA abbr.
abbr. Interlingua; Identification and Authentication; Inborn Attributes; Information Archaeologist
abbr., account. indexation allowance; initial allowance (Ying)
abbr., AI. Image Analysis
abbr., anim.husb. Institute of Apiculture (China)
abbr., auto. intake air
abbr., avia. inseparable assembly; inspection administration; instrument approach; interim assembly; internal audits; interrupt alert
abbr., biol. immunoassay
abbr., BrE Inspector of Armours; instructor of artillery
abbr., comp., net. indirect addressing; integrated adapter
abbr., drw. intersecting angle
abbr., EBRD Internal Audit
abbr., ed. instructional assistant (twinkie)
abbr., el. Intel architecture; image array; incoming access; induced absorption; information analysis; information appliances; initial approach; intelligence agent; intelligence appliance; interactive access; interactive advertising; interface amplifier; interferometer antenna; interframe analysis; internal architecture; Internet address; intraframe analysis; isolated amplifier; isothermal annealing; issue analyzer
abbr., electr.eng. impedance angle
abbr., fin. Investment Account
abbr., inet. I Agree
abbr., IT Information Access; instruction address; Immediate Access; Interaction Analysis
abbr., law Internal Affairs
abbr., libr. information anxiety
abbr., med. Endometrial Carcinoma In Situ, Length Of Uterine Cavity Less Than 8 Cm (International Federation Of Gynecologists And Obstetricians (FIGO) Classification); Immune Response Gene-associated Antigen; Indole Acetic Acid; invasive aspergillosis (Игорь_2006); intraarterial; Insertional activity (ЭМГ Natalya Rovina); intra-articular (iwona); immune adherence (test, test); interaural attenuation; internal auditory; intra-aortic; isonicotinic acid
abbr., med.appl. inspiratory assist (ИВЛ harser)
abbr., mil. imagery analyst; implementing arrangement; individual augmentee; information assurance
abbr., mil., air.def. integrated area; intelligence annex; information and action; information attack
abbr., mil., avia. illumination angle
abbr., mil., WMD Installation assessment
abbr., nano intelligence amplification (ssn)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Isolation Authority
abbr., O&G, sakh. Interim agreement
abbr., org.chem. isophthalic acid (igisheva)
abbr., physiol. Intra-Arterial
abbr., post Insufficient address (return to sender)
abbr., scottish Indian Army; Iowa (US state)
abbr., UN inspection area
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. integrating accelerometer
energ.ind., abbr. implementation agreement; industrial application; integrated approach
mil. immediately available
mil., abbr. identical additional; immediate action; impact area; implementing agency; infected area; infrared, active; initial appearance; initial authorization; intelligence analysis; interallied; intercept arm; issuing agency
O&G, abbr. instrument air; integral time calculation value
railw., abbr. instruction car
tech. interface adapter
tech., abbr. image amplifier; implementation assistant; incremental analysis; industry application; infra-audible; infra-audible sound; insertion approval; instrumentation amplifier; interceptor arm; international angstrom; inverter assembly; ionosonde antenna; isolation amplifier
tech., avia., transp. indicated altitude
: 47 phrases in 20 subjects
Molecular biology1