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ISTAR abbr.stresses
mil. Сбор информации, наблюдение целеуказание и разведка (borivik)
 English thesaurus
ISTAR abbr.
abbr., avia. image storage; translation & reproduction; integrated system test of an air-breathing rocket
abbr., med. Institute For Stuttering Treatment And Research
abbr., mil. Intelligence, Surveillance, Target-Acquisition and Reconnaissance; intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance; intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance
abbr., mil., air.def. intelligence surveillance target acquisition and reconnaissance
abbr., mil., avia. image storage, translation and reproduction
abbr., scottish Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance
abbr., space integrated system test of airbreathing rocket
mil. image storage, translation, and reproduction; improved scout target acquisition and recognition
tech. image storage translation and reproduction system