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IPI abbr.stresses
comp., net. интеллектуальный интерфейс периферийных устройств; интеллектуальный периферийный интерфейс
oil начальный дебит при периодической системе эксплуатации (initial production on intermitter)
stat. индекс промышленного производства (Industrial Production Index marina_aid)
 English thesaurus
IPI abbr.
abbr. International Payment Instruction; Idiot Promotions Inc; Institute of Patentees and Inventors; Inter-Processor Interrupt (CPU, SMP); International Press Institute; In-Person Interpreting (Artjaazz); International Printing Ink Corp.
abbr., anim.husb. International Pesticide Institute
abbr., avia. Ipiales, Colombia; initial protocol identifier
abbr., comp. individual prescribed instruction
abbr., ed. Instructional Practices Inventory
abbr., el. image processing and interpretation; intelligent printer interface
abbr., invest. Institute for Private Investors (Victorian)
abbr., IT Intelligent Peripheral Interface; Inter Processor Interrupt
abbr., logist. Interior Point Intermodal
abbr., med. International Prognostic Index (Игорь_2006)
abbr., mil. indigenous populations and institutions
abbr., mil., air.def. intelligent peripheral equipment interface
abbr., mil., avia. identified friendly prior to interception
abbr., oil initial potential intermitter; initial production on intermitter; initial production intermitted; International Petroleum industry; inverse productivity index; Iranian Petroleum institute
abbr., org.name. International Potash Institute; International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators
abbr., pharma. International product information (Игорь_2006)
abbr., police Inwald Personality Inventory
abbr., polym. International Patent Institute
abbr., scottish Intercept Pattern for Identification
abbr., space identified prior to intercept
abbr., st.exch. I P C Communication, Inc., of Delaware; Income Protection Insurance
abbr., textile industrial production index
abbr., tradem. Impressive Products, Inc.; International Parking Institute
mil. identified friendly prior to interception; in-process inspection; initial point indicator; integrated position indicator; intelligence publication index
tech. information processing industry; Internet public library
ipi abbr.
abbr. impregnated paper insulated