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IPB abbr.stresses
bank. Международный частный банк (International Personal Bank xxАндрей Мxx)
chem. изопропилбензол (Сабу)
IT межпроцессорное буферное запоминающее устройство
mil. разведывательное обеспечение тактических действий; разведка на поле боя
 English thesaurus
IPB abbr.
abbr. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Battlespace; isolated-phase bus
abbr., agric. Independent Pigeon Breeders
abbr., busin. International Patent Bureau
abbr., commer. Internationales Patentbüro
abbr., earth.sc. Iberian Pyrite Belt
abbr., econ. Institute of Petroleum in Britain
abbr., el. integrated processor board; intelligence preparation of battlefield; interprocess buffer; interprocessor bus
abbr., electr.eng. Isolated Phase Bus (Pothead)
abbr., IT interprocessor buffer
abbr., med. isolated premature beat (harser)
abbr., mil. Illustrated Parts Breakdown; Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield; intelligence preparation of the battlespace
abbr., mil., avia. illustrated parts breakdown
abbr., oil in-plane bending; isopropyl benzene
abbr., space intelligence preparation of battlespace
abbr., tradem. Invision Power Board
mil. installation property book; intelligence preparation of the battlefield
tech. illuminated push button
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Automated equipment1