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IOT abbr.stresses
IT Тест на совместимость (Interoperability Test Violet_S); испытание на совместимость (Violet_S); испытание совместимости (Violet_S)
telecom. межоператорский тариф (Inter Operator Tariff Arkadi Burkov)
IoT abbr.
inet. интернет физических объектов (сокр. от "Internet of things" Alex_Odeychuk); Интернет вещей (ruskivixen)
inet., context. с выходом в интернет (InfoWorld Alex_Odeychuk)
IT на основе технологии интернета вещей (Alex_Odeychuk); технология "Интернет вещей" (сокр. от "Internet of Things" Alex_Odeychuk)
softw. подключённые к интернету встраиваемые системы (Alex_Odeychuk)
telecom. система контроля промышленного оборудования через Интернет (Internet of Things inari)
 English thesaurus
IOT abbr.
abbr. inductive output tube (Juffin); investment-operate-transfer
abbr., astronaut. initial orbit time
abbr., avia. intra office trunk; in-orbital testing
abbr., el. induce out transistor; input/output termination; input/output test; input/output tools; integrated office terminal; International Optical Telecommunications, Inc.; interoffice trunk; interoperability test; intraoffice trunk
abbr., IT Illuminates Of Thanateros
abbr., med. Intraocular Tension; Intraocular Transfer; Ipsilateral Optic Tectum
abbr., mil. I O Trap; information operations team; in order to (Denis_Sakhno)
abbr., office.equip. image output terminal (translator911)
abbr., oil initial open time; isooctyl tallate
abbr., progr., IT Index-Organized Table; InteroperabilityTest
abbr., scottish Integral Operator Trainer
abbr., space in orbit test; input-output termination; input/output transfer
abbr., st.exch. Income Opportunity Realty Investments, Inc.
abbr., stat. input-output table (Yulasya)
comp. in-orbit test
mil. individual operation test; initial operational test; inspection operation tag
tech. intraoffice trunks
IoT abbr.
abbr. Institute of Transport; Internet of Things (oVoD)
: 27 phrases in 9 subjects
Information technology4
Intelligence and security services1