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IIR abbr.stresses
avia. отчёт по недостающей информации (insufficient information report elena.kazan)
oncol. независимая экспертиза результатов визуализационных исследований (independent imaging review LEkt)
polym. бутил-каучук (13.05)
 English thesaurus
IIR abbr.
abbr. Imagery Interpretation Report; International Institute of Refrigeration; Institute of Industrial Research
abbr., anim.husb. International Institute for Refrigeration
abbr., avia. IIDS Interface Router; infra-red imaging system
abbr., busin. inventory and inspection report
abbr., earth.sc. intermediate infrared
abbr., el. infinite impulse response (filter); image interpreter response; impact ionization rate; initial input routine; internal interrupt register; ion-impact induced radiation; ion implanted region
abbr., el., scient. Infinite Impulse Response
abbr., file.ext. Immediate Impulse Response
abbr., IT Internal Intermediate Representation
abbr., mil. Intelligence Information Report; Intermediate Information Requirement; Imaging InfraRed; imagery interpretation report; imaging infrared; intelligence information report
abbr., multimed. infinite impulse response filter
abbr., oil iron indicator ratio; investor's interest rate; iron-indicator ratio; isobutylene-isoprene rubber
abbr., plast. Butyl Rubber
abbr., polym. isobutylene isoprene rubber
abbr., scottish Imaging Infra-Red; Infra-red Imaging Radar (USA)
abbr., space infrared imaging radar; integral rocket/ramjet
abbr., st.exch. IRI International Corporation
abbr., tradem. Industrial Information Resources
energ.ind. integration of international research
tech. integrated instrumentation radar; intermediate infrared band
IIR: 18 phrases in 7 subjects
Information technology1