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ie ['i:ei] nstresses
comp., net. Ирландия (название домена верхнего уровня User)
telecom. то есть (oleg.vigodsky)
IES abbr.
comp., net. система информационного обмена
O&G индукционный метод исследований (induction electrical survey); электрический каротаж индукционным зондом и коротким потенциал-зондом (induction electrical survey)
oil индукционная съёмка (induction electrical survey)
IEs abbr.
telecom. элементы IE (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
IE abbr.
abbr. Import Export; In Explanation; Industrial Excellence; Inland Empire; Interior Exterior; Interlingue; Internet Exploder; Id Est; immunoelectrophoresis (иммуноэлектрофорез ochernen); Independent Evaluation (or Evaluator); Individual Education; Indo-European; Industrial Espionage; Inert Electrolyte; Instant Evaluation; Institute of Electronics; Institute of Engineers; Intelligent Encryption; Intentionally Enhanced; Interconnect Element; Internet Empire; that is
abbr., amer. Information and Education
abbr., anim.husb. Institute of Entomology (China)
abbr., avia. idle equipment; industrial industry engineering; installation error
abbr., chem., scient. Ionization Energy
abbr., comp., net. information engineering
abbr., comp., net., IT Information Exchange
abbr., ed., scient. In Example
abbr., el. image engine; information and entertainment; interference eliminator; inter-layer extra oxide defect; interrupt edge; ion etching; ionospheric explorer
abbr., el., scient. Information Electronics
abbr., foreig.aff. Initial Elements
abbr., IT Inference Engine; Information Element; Information Environment; Information Extraction; Industrial Engineer (ing); Information Engineer (ing); Integration Engineering
abbr., lab.eq. Isoelectric focusing
abbr., law, ADR individual entrepreneur (igisheva)
abbr., Makarov. initiating event; intermittent energization; ionization energy
abbr., med. Inspiratory Exerciser; Involvement Of A Single Extrahepatic Organ Or Site (Ann Arbor Staging System For Hodgkin Disease); Interrupt Enable; immunizing unit
abbr., mil., air.def. Internet EYE
abbr., mil., avia. impact energy
abbr., oil instrument earth
abbr., physiol., med. Immunity Enhancement; Infective Endocarditis; Inner ear
abbr., polit. Ireland
abbr., polym. index error
abbr., progr., IT Internet Explorer
abbr., scient. Industrial Engineering; Intermediate Education
energ.ind. initial event; inspection and enforcement; interaction efficiency; isentropic efficiency
mil. infrared emission; initial equipment; installation equipment; instrument error; intelligence estimate; interconnection equipment
O&G intercom exchange
tech. industrial electronics; integrated electronics; internal environment; internal-combustion; interrupt enable; ionization chamber; irradiation effect
ie ['i:ei] n
lat. id est (that is Vosoni)
IES abbr.
abbr. Intelligence Evaluation Staff; International Exchange Site; Internet Escrow Services; Illumination Engineering Society; Imagery Exploitation System; Institute of Environmental Sciences; Institute of European Studies; Integrated Engineering Station (Toshiba, TOSMAP-DS); Intelligent Emulation Switching (Epson); Internal Environmental Simulator; Internation Exchange Site; International Exchange System; The Illuminating Engineering Society
abbr., avia. industrial evaluation sheet; institute of environmental societies; ISDN Earth station; industrial engineering services; interface equipment subsystem
abbr., commer. Industrial Engineering Standard
abbr., comp., net. information exchange system
abbr., dril. induction electrical survey log (and electrical log for measuring resistivity)
abbr., earth.sc. integrated efficiency system
abbr., ecol. Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Karabas); Inventory of Existing Substances (Karabas)
abbr., ed. Indian Education Society
abbr., ed., scient. Institute of Economic Studies; Intensive English Studies
abbr., el. information exchange service; instruction execution speed; integrated electronic system; international exchange service; intrinsic electric strength; ion energy selector
abbr., el., scient. Illuminating Engineering Society; Institution Of Engineers Singapore
abbr., energ.ind. Intelligent Energy Systems (Beforeyouaccuseme)
abbr., inet. Internet Enrollment Services; Internet Event Server
abbr., Makarov. inverted echo sounder; ion engine subsystem; ion engine system
abbr., med. Image Evaluation System (iwona)
abbr., mil. Imagery Exploration System; Infantry Enhancement Suit; Inductive Energy Storage; imagery exploitation system
abbr., mil., avia. incoming echo suppressor
abbr., oil induction electrical survey; induction-electron electric survey; Institute for Earth Sciences; Institute for Environmental Studies; integrated engineering services; integrated engineering system; integrated event stratigraphy; integrated exploration system; interactive exploration system; inverted echo sounders
abbr., scottish Image Enhancement / Exploitation System
abbr., space ion energy spectroscopy
abbr., tradem. Indian Engineering Service
abbr., ukr.usg. Integrated Environmental Solutions (Karabas)
mil. internal environment simulator; inventory equipment sheet
tech. integrated electronics system; irradiation effects simulation
: 14 phrases in 6 subjects
Energy industry1
Oil / petroleum1