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IDL abbr.stresses
abbr. Перечень веществ обязательных к декларированию (Ingredient Disclosure List articlesbase.com Палачах)
IT язык описания интерфейса; язык определения интерфейса
med. ЛППП (intermediate-density lipoprotein – липопротеины промежуточной плотности Olga47)
progr. язык определения интерфейсов (сокр. от "Interface Definition Language"; декларативный язык, используемый для определения интерфейсов объектов, безотносительно реализации объектов // Глоссарий основных терминов, применяемых в IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric версии 7.0 Alex_Odeychuk); язык описания интерфейсов (Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
IDL abbr.
abbr. International Date Line; idler; Informal Drooling List; Interim or Interoperable Data Link; instrumental detection limit (igisheva); Independent Distance Learners (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., auto. idle position switch; idle; idle switch; idle throttle position
abbr., avia. indentured drawing list; inspection characteristics list
abbr., comp. Inter-chip Digital Link (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., MS interface definition language (In object-oriented programming, a language that lets a program or object written in one language communicate with another program written in an unknown language. An IDL is used to define interfaces between client and server programs. For example, an IDL can provide interfaces to remote CORBA objects)
abbr., ed. Independent Distance Learning
abbr., el. idle link status; information description language; input data latch; input data line; instruction definition language; interactive data analysis language; interactive design language; interactive display language; interlevel dielectric layer; intermediate data description language; international data line; intracavity dye laser
abbr., file.ext. Interface definition file (Visual C++)
abbr., IT interactive distance learning; Interchip Digital Link; interface definition language (Bricker)
abbr., med. Index To Dental Literature; Intermediate Density Lipoprotein; Intermediate Differentiation Of Lymphocytic Lymphoma; intermediate density lipoprotein; Interstitial Lung Disease (harser); intermediate-density lipoproteins; intermediate-density lipoprotein; intermediate density layer (peuplier_8)
abbr., mil. integrated distribution lane
abbr., mil., avia. instrument development laboratories
abbr., mil., WMD Immediately dangerous to life; instrument detection limit
abbr., nautic., scient. Interactive Data Language
abbr., oil induction dipmeter log; inter-driver-link
abbr., progr. Interface Description Language (ssn); interface definition language (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Interface Definition Language
abbr., scottish International Data Link
abbr., transp. Interfacility Data Link
med. immediate density lipoproteins
mil. infantry division, light; instrumentation development laboratory; interoperable data link
tech. instruments development laboratories
idl. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. idler
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