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HTR abbr.stresses
gen. обогреватель, печь (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr. труднодоступный (hard-to-reach lxu5); ВР (Высокотемпературный реактор – high temperature reactor. shergilov)
nucl.pow. ГТР (hybrid thermonuclear reactor – гибридный термоядерный реактор MichaelBurov); гибридный термоядерный реактор (MichaelBurov); ВТР (MichaelBurov); высокотемпературный реактор (MichaelBurov); высокотемпературный реактор для технических испытаний (MichaelBurov); высокотемпературный ядерный реактор (MichaelBurov)
O&G ТрИЗ (hard-to-recover reserves; трудноизвлекаемые запасы MichaelBurov); ТрИЗ (MichaelBurov); трудная нефть (MichaelBurov); трудноизвлекаемые запасы (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
HTR abbr.
abbr. Hail The Rail; Happy To Return; High Temperature Reactors
abbr., adv. Household Tracking Report
abbr., auto. high temperature radiator; Highway Traffic Regulations
abbr., avia. halt and transfer; high frequency transmitter/receiver
abbr., busin. homogenous thorium reactor
abbr., chem. hydrogen transfer reaction
abbr., el. high temperature resistor; high time resolution
abbr., Makarov. high-temperature reactor
abbr., mil. HeaT Reduction (qwarty)
abbr., nucl.pow. hybrid thermonuclear reactor (MichaelBurov); high temperature reactor (MichaelBurov); high-temperature reactor (MichaelBurov); HT gas-cooled reactor (MichaelBurov); HT gas cooled reactor (MichaelBurov); high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MichaelBurov); high temperature gas cooled reactor (MichaelBurov); very high temperature reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G challenged reserves (MichaelBurov); difficult oil (MichaelBurov); hard to recover reserves (MichaelBurov); hard-to-recover reserves (MichaelBurov); HTR reserves (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil high temperature regeneration; high temperature reprocess; high tenacity rayon
abbr., scottish Heat Transfer Reduction
abbr., st.exch. Hyperion Total Return Fund, Inc.
abbr., telecom. hard-to-reach (lxu5)
chem. high temperature reactor
energ.ind. homogeneous thorium reactor
mil. high training ratio; highway traffic regulation
tech. high-temperature resistor; house transformer; reactor feed water heater
Htr abbr.
abbr., med. heat treatment
htr abbr.
abbr. heater
HTR: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
Nuclear and fusion power4
Oil and gas3