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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
HT nstresses
el. наушник; символ ○
ht n
el. полутон; наименьшее расстояние между звуками в 12-тоновой системе; переход от светлого к тёмному; полутоновое изображение (1. изображение с переходами от светлого к тёмному 2. растровое изображение); растровая печать; растровая репродукция
HT hydrotest n
nucl.pow. ГИ гидроиспытания (natty0208)
ht adj.
el. полутоновый (1. содержащий переходы от светлого к тёмному 2. растровый)
HT abbr.
gen. горизонтальная табуляция (horizontal tabulation)
coal. температура плавления (City Monk)
el. головной телефон телефоны; головной головные телефоны; наушники; стереофонические головные телефоны; стереотелефоны; стереонаушники; горизонтальная табуляция; символ "горизонтальная табуляция"; символ с кодом ASCII 09h
footb. закончен первый тайм (half time Aphid)
Gruzovik, ASCII. горизонтальная табуляция (horizontal tab; a format effector which advances the active position to the next pre-determined character position on the same line); знак табуляции; символ табуляции (horizontal tab)
Gruzovik, scient. термическая обработка (heat treatment)
IT символ горизонтальной табуляции ("horizontal tab" Alex_Odeychuk)
med. ГТ (MichaelBurov); гормональная терапия (MichaelBurov); повышенное кровяное давление (Alex Krayevsky); гипертония (Alex Krayevsky)
mil. Эйч-Ти (кислородный иприт)
O&G высокая температура (high temperature); высокое напряжение (high tension)
O&G, karach. испытание на твёрдость (hardness test Almas_Mustafa)
telecom. переносная рация (handheld transceiver Andrey Truhachev); лёгкая переносная радиостанция (handheld transceiver Andrey Truhachev); портативная рация (handheld transceiver Andrey Truhachev); переносное переговорное устройство (handheld transceiver Andrey Truhachev); переносная приёмно-передающая радиостанция (handheld transceiver Andrey Truhachev)
ht abbr.
Gruzovik, polit. государственная измена (high treason)
Makarov. теплота (heat)
Ht abbr.
pharm. гематокрит (estherik)
 English thesaurus
HT abbr.
abbr. Hit Thrust; Holding Time; hollow tile; Hollywood Tonight; Homing Transponders; Horizontal Tab; Horny Tits; Horrible Treadwear; Horus Terra; Hospital Treatment; Hot Tamale; hot tin; Hull Technician; Human Terminators; Human Transcript; Human Transporter; Hyper Threading; Hyper Twister; haff-time survey; high test; horse transport; temporary hospital; Haiti; Half Time; halftone; Hammer Throw; Handy Talkie; Hash Table; Heat Transport; Heather Thomas; Helium Talking; Hennessey's Tavern; High Temper; High Thrust; Historical Temperament
abbr., AI. Hough Transform
abbr., auto. hard-top; high hysteresis thread; high-torque
abbr., avia. Hard Time (Zealot2002); handling and transportation; high turbine; hoisting test; holographic technique; horizontal tail; hot tinning; hydrostatic testing
abbr., busin. half time survey; heat treated; hired transport
abbr., chem. hexatriene; hydroxytryptamine; hydrotreatment (гидроочистка маус)
abbr., comp., net. High Throughput (Fish-liqueur)
abbr., dog. Herding Tested
abbr., econ. hunger threshold
abbr., el. hyper-threading; Hadamard transform; hand-held terminal; handle talkie; handshaking test; hand timer; hand translation; head-end transceiver; height telling (radar); heterostructure transistor; heterotransition; hole trap; host table; hybrid technology; hybrid transformer; hyper text
abbr., file.ext. Data (HyperTerminal)
abbr., footb. halftime (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., genet. herbicide tolerant
abbr., inf. heat treat
abbr., IT High Tech; Horizontal Tabulation (ASCIIcharacter); Hypertext
abbr., lab.eq. High Threshold; Hypothesis Testing
abbr., Makarov. horizontal tabulation character
abbr., med. healing touch; HyperTention; helical tomotherapy (iwona); hare tail; Heart Transplantation, Heart Transplant; Heart Tones; Height; High Tension; Height Of Heart; Heterozygote; Hyperopia, Total; Hypothalamus; Histotechnician; Horticultural Therapy; Home Theater; hormone therapy (MichaelBurov); heart transplantation (harser); Hypertension (anti-HT treatment/medication; anti-HT prescription; HT onset; patient has achieved HT control Alex Krayevsky); Hashimoto's thyroiditis; hemagglutination titer; histologic technician; hydrotherapy; hypermetropia, total; hypodermic tablet; hypoxanthine-thymidine; heart tone
abbr., mil. hatch team
abbr., mil., avia. half tone
abbr., mil., WMD Thickened mustard
abbr., O&G, sakh. high torque
abbr., oil Hartley transform; heating temperature; high heat; high tenacity; high tensile; home trade; hunting time
abbr., physiol. Hyper-Thyroidism
abbr., polym. High Tack (Vicomte); hardness tester; head-to-tail; heat treatment; high-temperature; high-tenacity; hydroxylterminated
abbr., progr. HyperTransport (ssn)
abbr., radio hard tube
abbr., radio.amat. handheld transceiver
abbr., scottish High Temperature; Mustard-T mixture (Chemical warfare blister agent)
abbr., soc.med. hat tip (Artjaazz)
abbr., soil. hyperthermic soil temperature regime
abbr., space high technology
abbr., sport. half time
abbr., textile high tenacity yarn (Yuriy83); carbon fiber high tenacity carbon fiber; yarn high tenacity yarn
energ.ind. hydrogen target; half-turn; hemispherical temperature; high-tension
mil. homing Terrier; homing type; Horizontal technology; horsed transport; hospital train; hot report; half-tracked; hard target; Hawaiian theater; headset; heavy tank; height of target; height telling; helicopter training
O&G heating
physiol. Hyperthyroidism
physiol., abbr. Hypertension
physiol., med. Heart
pipes. heat-treated
tech. hoc tempore; hoc titulo; under this title; at this time; half-tone; handling time; heat tracing; heat transfer; height technician; high-tensile
HT. abbr.
abbr., typogr. half-tone
ht abbr.
abbr. heat; heavy traffic; height; high treason
nautic. high tide
O&G heat used; heater-treater; total thickness of pay
Ht abbr.
abbr. Horton criterion; total hyperopia
abbr., med. height; total hyperopia.
cartogr. Hertfordshire
energ.ind. fuel hydrogen content
ht. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. height
abbr., plast. hight
polym. heat
HTASCP abbr.
abbr., med. Histologic Technician Certified By The American Society Of Clinical Pathologists
HT: 66 phrases in 31 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Automated equipment1
Energy industry5
Food industry3
Mass media1
Medical appliances3
Nuclear and fusion power10
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas2
Oil processing plants1
Textile industry2