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HSP abbr.stresses
comp., net. аппаратная обработка сигналов; быстродействующее печатающее устройство; высокоскоростной принтер
Gruzovik, comp. быстродействующий принтер (high-speed printer)
hotels Внутренний портал отеля (Hotel Service Portal ray-of-light)
med. белок-шаперон (mazurov)
mol.biol. белок теплового шока (MichaelBurov); белок-телохранитель (MichaelBurov)
O&G, oilfield. полимер для высокой солёности (сокр. от High Salinity Polymer (относитася к водораствоимым полимерам для полимерного заводнения) Углов)
O&G, tengiz. высокое давление пара (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 English thesaurus
HSP abbr.
abbr. UUNet HighSpeed Peering; Highway Safety Plan (Georgy Moiseenko); Hard to Swallow Pill; human splicing factor
abbr., agric. Horse Slaughtering Prevention
abbr., astronaut. High Speed Photometer (on HST)
abbr., auto. high speed power; high swirl port
abbr., avia. Hot Springs, Virginia USA; hard spark plug; high speed penetrator
abbr., chem. homogeneity spoiling pulse
abbr., ed., scient. High School Physics
abbr., el. hardware system protocol; heat-sinking package; high-performance signal processor; high-speed parallel; high-speed performance; high speed printer; high speed prober; host service provider
abbr., el., scient. Host Signal Processing; Host Signal Processor
abbr., file.ext. High Speed Printer/Processor
abbr., inet. Highly Sensitive Person; Hosting Service Provider
abbr., IT HomeSite WWW page project
abbr., med. Heat Shock Protein; Human Serum Protein; Henoch Schonlein Purpura; Henoch-Schonlein purpura (Игорь_2006); Health System Planning; heat-stress proteins
abbr., mil. High Speed Processor
abbr., mil., air.def. headset profile
abbr., mil., avia. heat-sinking package
abbr., mil., WMD health and safety plan
abbr., mol.biol. chaperone protein (MichaelBurov); heat shock chaperone (MichaelBurov); heat-shock protein (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G high strength proppant (Schlumberger YMedentsii)
abbr., O&G, sakh. hydrocarbon-saturated porosity
abbr., O&G. tech. hydro-slotting perforation (igisheva)
abbr., oil high strength proppants; horizontal seismic profile
abbr., physiol. hematopoietic stem cell; Henoch-Schönlein Purpura; Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
abbr., scottish Heavy Stressed Platform; Hrvatska Stranka Prava (Croatian Party of the Right)
abbr., shipb. highly skewed propeller
abbr., space heat-shrinkable polyolefin
abbr., sport. High Scoring Pair
energ.ind. hermetically-sealed package
mil. high-speed printer; hollow soft point; howitzer, self-propelled
tech. hermetically sealed package; high sensitivity photometer; high-speed electronics pin; high-speed photometer; high-speed pulse; hot-shutdown panel
TV head switching pulse
hsp abbr.
abbr. heat-shock proteins
Hsp abbr.
abbr., oil Hospital Hill
hsp abbr.
biol. heat shock protein
hsp. abbr.
tech. horse-power (л.с. RW)
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects