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HMC abbr.stresses
gen. тяжёлосредный циклон (soa.iya); ДЭЗ (MichaelBurov); дирекция по эксплуатации зданий (MichaelBurov)
automat. горизонтальный многоцелевой станок
ed. конференция директоров школ (Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference mrssam)
Gruzovik, scient. гибридная интегральная схема (hybrid microcircuit); ГИС (hybrid microcircuit)
hydraul. контроль гидропривода (Hydraulic Motion Control ALEXN); управление гидроприводом (Hydraulic Motion Control ALEXN)
IT горизонтальный микрокод
met. Концентрат тяжёлых минералов (Heavy Mineral Concentrate Artemie)
O&G ВМК (MichaelBurov); высокомолекулярный компонент (MichaelBurov); ВНК (MichaelBurov)
ophtalm. линзы с упрочняющим многослойным покрытием (Elina Semykina)
product. ЗОМ (загрязняющие опасные материалы – hazardous materials of concern Амбарцумян)
 English thesaurus
HMC abbr.
abbr. Heavy Metal Content; Hope Medical Clinic; housing management center (MichaelBurov); housing management centre (MichaelBurov); Her Majesty's Customs; High Moisture Shelled Corn; Highspeed Memory Controller (Apple); Horizontal Motion Carriage; Hospital Management Committee; HUMINT Management Center; Harvey Machine Co.; 5-hydroxymethylcytosine; 5-hydroxymethyl cytosine
abbr., anim.husb. herdmate comparison
abbr., astronaut. Halley Multicolor Camera (on Giotto)
abbr., auto. Hyundai Motor Company (Dimash)
abbr., automat. horizontal spindle machining center
abbr., avia. health monitoring computer; hydro mechanical control
abbr., earth.sc. heavy mineral concentrates; horizontal meridian circle; Hydrometeorological Center
abbr., econ. His Her Majesty's Customs
abbr., el. heterojunction-monitored capacitance method; high-momentum component; honeycomb-like mobile communications; Hualon Microelectronics Co.
abbr., health., med. Hadassah Medical Center
abbr., IT horizontal microcode
abbr., med. Hand-mirror Cell; Human Mesotheial Cell; Hypertelorism-microtia-clefting (syndrome); Hopkins Medical Center; Healthy Medical Consultancy
abbr., mil. High Mobility Camouflage; His Majesty's Cutter
abbr., monk. Hubcaps Mini Club
abbr., O&G high molecular component (MichaelBurov); high-molecular component (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil height of mud cake; high magnesium calcite; hydroxy methyl cellulose
abbr., pharma. Herbal Medicines Compendium (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., plast. high-strength moulding compound
abbr., scient. Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference
abbr., scottish Health Monitor Computer; Hybrid Micro Circuit
abbr., st.exch. Honda Motor, LTD.
abbr., tradem. Hero Music Company; Herron Maintenance Company
mil. helicopter, medium, cargo; howitzer motor carriage
tech. heading marker correction; hybrid microcircuit
hmc abbr.
O&G thickness of mud cake
hmC abbr.
abbr. hydroxymethyl cytosine (Altuntash)
: 9 phrases in 1 subject
Automated equipment9