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Graphics Device Interfacestresses
comp., MS интерфейс графических устройств (An executable program that processes graphical function calls from a Windows-based application and passes those calls to the appropriate device driver, which performs the hardware-specific functions that generate output. By acting as a buffer between applications and output devices, GDI presents a device-independent view of the world for the application while interacting in a device-dependent format with the device)
graphic device interface
el. интерфейс стандарта GDI; стандарт GDI
IT интерфейс графического устройства (unact.ru Bricker); интерфейс с графическим устройством
tech. интерфейс графических устройств
graphics device interface
comp., MS интерфейс графических устройств (ssn)
Gruzovik, IT графический интерфейс устройств (abbr. GDI)
telecom. интерфейс графического устройства (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
Graphics Device Interface An executable program that processes graphical function calls from a Windows-based application and passes those calls to the appropriate device driver, which performs the hardware-specific functions that generate output. By acting as a buffer between applications and output devices, GDI presents a device-independent view of the world for the application while interacting in a device-dependent format with the device
abbr., comp., MS GDI (그래픽 장치 인터페이스)
Graphics Device Interface: 2 phrases in 1 subject