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GTP abbr.stresses
busin. подробное техническое описание гарантий (Guaranteed Technical Particulars markaron)
qual.cont. установившаяся практика торговли (Andrew052)
tech. газотурбинная установка (gas-turbine plant; ГТУ CIRCUIT)
-GTP abbr.
med. гамма-ГТФ (гамма-глутамилтрансфераза estherik)
 English thesaurus
GTP abbr.
abbr. Global TransPark; Guide To The Perplexed; Get The Planes; Got To Pee; GPRS Tunnel Protocol (GPRS, Mobile-Systems); general data transfer platform; gonadotrophin
abbr., anim.husb. gonadotrop in (gonadotropic hormone, gonad stimulating hormone); gonadotroph in (gonadotropic hormone, gonad stimulating hormone)
abbr., auto. Grand Touring Prototype
abbr., avia. Golden Triangle Regional Airport, Columbus, Mississippi USA; Ground Test Procedure (Interex)
abbr., biotechn. guanosine 5'-triphosphat
abbr., busin. gross trading profit
abbr., comp., net. GPRS tunnel protocol
abbr., ed., scient. Good Teaching Practices
abbr., el. Gian-Thomson prism; ground test program
abbr., file.ext. Geometry Theorem Prover
abbr., IT GPRS Tunneling Protocol
abbr., life.sc. gonadotropin
abbr., Makarov. guanosine triphosphate
abbr., med. guanosine 5' triphosphate; glutamyl transpeptidase; guanosine 5-triphosphate
abbr., mil. ground tactical plan (Киселев)
abbr., mil., avia. gas turbine power
abbr., O&G gas treatment plant (Jespa)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. Giprotruboprovod (CPC subcontractor; Russian Federation Design Institute)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Giprotruboprovod
abbr., oil glycerin tripropionate
abbr., police Good To Police
abbr., polym. group transfer polymerization
abbr., qual.cont. general testing procedure (Игорь_2006)
abbr., railw. GPRS Tunneling Protocol GPRS
abbr., space graphic transform package
abbr., sport. Good Team Play; Grand Touring Performance
abbr., transp. Gran Touring Performance
chem. general thermophysical properties
mil. general test plan; ground test plan
O&G gas transmittal pipeline
tech. Golay transform processor; ground track plotter
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Molecular biology2