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GSD abbr.stresses
O&G, tengiz. ПОСН (Проект оптимизации системы нефтесбора – Gathering System Debottlenecking nalim_86)
 English thesaurus
GSD abbr.
abbr. General Santos And Davao; Generator Starter Drive; genetically sufficient dose; Gender and Sexual Diversity (Artjaazz); Geographical Survey Department
abbr., avia. global shape deformation; ground station data; graphic system design
abbr., biotechn. Ground State Depletion (Altuntash)
abbr., cartogr. GSD distance (MichaelBurov); sensor resolution (MichaelBurov); distance of neighbored pixel centers on ground (MichaelBurov); distance of neighboring pixel centers on ground (MichaelBurov); distance between neighbored pixel centers on ground (MichaelBurov); distance between neighboring pixel centers on ground (MichaelBurov)
abbr., China General Staff Department (China)
abbr., dog., inf. German Shepherd Dog
abbr., earth.sc. drillhole logging gamma-ray sensor; Geological Survey Department; groundwater spring deposits
abbr., ed. Georgia School for the Deaf
abbr., el. global section descriptor; ground-state depletion
abbr., file.ext. Vector graphics (Professional Draw)
abbr., IT GSM internet realtime audio; Vector graphics; general systems division
abbr., med. gestational sac diameter (harser)
abbr., med., dis. glycogen storage disease (Lyashenko I.)
abbr., mil. Get Stuff Done; Graphical Situation Display; Ground Systems Division
abbr., oil group shutdown; gas sand; Geological Survey of Demark
abbr., pharma. Geometric Standard Deviation (ochernen)
abbr., scient. General Studies Degree
abbr., space graphics system design; Greenwich sidereal date
abbr., survey. ground sample distance (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tech. Device Master Data (abbreviation for the german term Gerдtestammdaten Pothead); Generic Station Description (http://www.procentec.com/gsd/index.php3 Pothead)
energ.ind. genetically significant dose
mil. general supply depot; general support division; general system description; genetically significant dosage
tech. general sewing data; generating significant dose
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1