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noun | noun | to phrases
GRAS nstresses
avia. наземная региональная система дифференциальной коррекции (MichaelBurov)
perf. признанный полностью безвредным
gras n
sl., drug. героин
 English thesaurus
GRAS abbr.
abbr. Generally Recognized As Safe
abbr., avia. ground-based regional augmentation system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biochem. Generally Recognised as Safe (doktortranslator)
abbr., biotechn. generally regarded as safe
abbr., earth.sc. genetic rock association series; Geological Research Authority of the Sudan
abbr., ed., scient. Graduate Recruit Alumni Society
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Giant Robot Appreciation Society
abbr., health., med. Generally Recommended As Standard
abbr., med. Groupe De Recherche Et D'Action Pour La Santé; generally recognized as safe
abbr., mil., avia. graphical reliability analysis system
abbr., physiol., med. Generally Regarded As Safe
abbr., relig. Generally Regarded As Sacred
GRASS [grɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., desert. Geographic Resource Analysis Support System
abbr., oil geographic resource reference analysis support system
gras n
USA generally recognized as safe
GRAS: 21 phrases in 7 subjects
Figure of speech1
Food industry1