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GCM abbr.stresses
auto. общая масса автопоезда (Gross Combination Mass aharin); полная масса автопоезда (Shumway)
health. Глобальный координационный механизм и межучрежденческая целевая группа (ВОЗ Wakeful dormouse)
met. автомат для газовой резки (Smitson)
mil. модель общей циркуляции (атмосферы); МОЦ
mining. модель состояния горного массива (ground control model soa.iya); модель управления горным давлением (soa.iya)
O&G газированный буровой раствор (gas-cut mud)
O&G, tengiz. Опора для контроля уклона (marina879)
progr. наибольшая общая мера (сокр. от greatest common measure ssn)
relig. Центральная мечеть г. Глазго (адм. центр обл. Стратклайд, Шотландия; сокр. от "Glasgow Central Mosque" Alex_Odeychuk)
gcm abbr.
tobac. грамм-сантиметр (mmak78)
 English thesaurus
GCM abbr.
abbr. General Clearing Member; Genetic Critical Mass; Global Climate Model; Good Conduct Medal; Grand Cayman Island, West Indies; Greatest Common Multiple; Ground Control Manual; General Court Martial
abbr., anat. gastrocnemius caput mediale (Ying); gastrocnemius muscle (Ying)
abbr., astronaut. GMES Contributing Mission (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. governor control module
abbr., avia. ground checkout module
abbr., dril. gas cut mud (mud containing quantities of gas from subsurface formations)
abbr., earth.sc. generalized-change of moment method; global circulation models
abbr., el. generic call monitor; glass, ceramic, metal; global call model
abbr., electr.eng. generator condition monitor
abbr., inet. Google Cloud Messaging (dimock)
abbr., Makarov. generator coordinate method
abbr., med. Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss (syndrome); National Association Of Professional Geriatric Care Managers
abbr., meteorol. gas collecting main (ipesochinskaya)
abbr., mil. global container manager; Global Information Grid GIG Content Management
abbr., oil gas-cut mud; generic choke model (serz); gas chromatographic method; general classification of merchandise
abbr., progr. greatest common measure (ssn)
ecol. general circulation model
mil. general court-martial; good conditions, meteorological; ground combat model
tech. government communications manager
tech., abbr. greatest common measure
gcm abbr.
abbr., dril. gas cut mud
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas1