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GCD abbr.stresses
abbr. НОД (greatest common divisor slitely_mad)
Gruzovik, mil. общее и всестороннее разоружение (general and comprehensive disarmament)
math. наибольший общий делитель (greatest common divisor)
phys. общий наибольший делитель
gcd abbr.
Gruzovik, polit. всеобщее и полное разоружение (general and complete disarmament)
 English thesaurus
GCD abbr.
abbr. Gas Chromatography Distillation; Ground Controlled Descent
abbr., avia. great-circle distance
abbr., commun. Generic Crypto Device
abbr., earth.sc. Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Ltd.
abbr., el. global common directory
abbr., file.ext. Generic CAD Drawing format (vector)
abbr., forestr. global change dynamics
abbr., genet. general control derepressive gene/protein
abbr., IT greatest common denominator
abbr., Makarov. greatest common divisor
abbr., oil gamma compensated density; gas-cut distillate
abbr., scottish Gun Commander's Display
abbr., space GAS control decoder
abbr., textile general certificate in distribution
mil. general and complete disarmament; general and controlled disarmament; good conduct discharge
tech. gain control driver; gate-controlled diode; greatest common divider
gcd abbr.
abbr. great circle distance
: 2 phrases in 1 subject