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GC adj.stresses
mil., inf. Grand Commander командующий
O&G газированный (gas-cut)
GC abbr.
gen. сборщик мусора; ГК (Group of Companies rechnik); Большая палата Европейского суда по правам человека (Grand Chamber wikipedia.org Butterfly812)
amer. генподрядчик (for construction; в некоторых штатах США MichaelBurov); генеральный подрядчик (for construction; в некоторых штатах США MichaelBurov)
build.mat. СБ (MichaelBurov); стеклобетон (MichaelBurov); бетон, армированный отрезками стекловолокна (MichaelBurov)
comp., MS сборка мусора (A process for automatic recovery of heap memory. Blocks of memory that had been allocated but are no longer in use are freed, and blocks of memory still in use may be moved to consolidate the free memory into larger blocks); глобальный каталог (Global Catalog microsoft.com bojana)
cycl. генеральная классификация (в велогонках ybelov)
dril. газовая хроматография (gas chromatography)
el. регулировка усиления; регулятор усиления; управление наземным движением в районе аэропорта; наземное управление; управление командам с Земли
med. гонорея (gonorrhea, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae Tiny Tony)
met. оцинкованная сталь в рулонах (galvanized coils Yuriy Sokha)
mining. управление горным давлением или горным массивом (ground control soa.iya)
O&G Северное побережье Мексиканского залива (Ivanov)
O&G, sakh. метод газовой хроматографии (Gas Chromatography)
pack. хромкартон (Игорь_2006)
pharm. ГКС (MichaelBurov); глюкокортикостероид (MichaelBurov); глюкокортикоид (MichaelBurov); гликокортикоид (MichaelBurov); гликокортикостероид (MichaelBurov)
progr. автоматическое управление памятью (GC – сокр. от "garbage collection"; автоматическое управление освобождением динамической памяти; русс. термин "автоматическое управление памятью" взят из кн.: Рихтер Дж. CLR via C#. Программирование на платформе Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 на языке C#; Савихин О.Г Основы разработки приложений в Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Alex_Odeychuk); механизм автоматического управления памятью (GC – сокр. от "garbage collector"; русс. термин "автоматическое управление памятью" взят из кн.: Рихтер Дж. CLR via C#. Программирование на платформе Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 на языке C#; Савихин О.Г Основы разработки приложений в Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Alex_Odeychuk)
surg. проводниковый катетер (GUIDING CATHETER [email protected])
GC воен. abbr.
inf. Grand Commander командующий
Gc abbr.
mil. грамм-градус Цельсия
 English thesaurus
GC abbr.
abbr. Gift Certificate; EduNET Georgia College Educators' Network; Gaining Command; Galactic Coordinates; Game Conference; Game Coordinator; Games Conference; General Cable; General Chemistry; General Cinema; General Conference; General Construction; Generational Curriculum; Generic Context; Genetic Compound; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War; Georgia Central Railway L. P.; Get Crazy; Gilda's Club; gas-cooled (с газоохлаждением); Guatemala City; Glidden Co.; good conductor; Gizmo Cost; Global Cache; Global Catalog; Global Communications; Gold Coins; Good Call; Good Candidates; Good Charlotte; Good Conduct; Governing Council; government center (в названиях учреждений США Tiny Tony); Governor's Cup; Grand Concert; Grandfather Clause; Grasp Corpus; Gravimetric Calibrator; Great Coin; Greater Charlotte (North Carolina); Green Camouflage; Green Canyon; Green Card; Ground Compensation; Guard Crush; Guest's Copyright; Convention on Genocide
abbr., auto. ground clearance
abbr., automat. grinding center
abbr., avia. Graphics Controller (Interex); ground crew; galvanic corrosion; gage capability; geographic coordinates; guidance controller; gyrosyn compass
abbr., biol. guanosine cyclase
abbr., BrE George Cross; group captain; Guards Coldstream
abbr., build.mat. glass concrete (MichaelBurov); glass-concrete (MichaelBurov); glass-crete (MichaelBurov); glasscrete (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. general contractor (MichaelBurov); gas container; Gold Clause; Government Chemist; ground contamination
abbr., chem. chromatography of gases
abbr., cytol. chocolate agar (Игорь_2006)
abbr., earth.sc. Galactic Center; gas chromatogram; generalized covariance method; glaucophane; grid coordinate; ground cover
abbr., EBRD General Counsel
abbr., econ. general conditions of government contracts
abbr., el. gain-coupled; gas cabinet; gas chromatographic analysis; gate-to-cathode bias; Gaussian channel; general purpose communication channel; glossy-film color; grand challenge; graphics communications; grating coupler; Gray code; ground collector; group command; group coupler; growth chamber; growth of crystal
abbr., fishery NAFO General Council (bimba)
abbr., IT game computer; garbage collection (Bricker); garbage collector (Bricker); garbage-collect; graphics context
abbr., lab.eq. gas chromatograph
abbr., law GRAND CHAMBER (Большая палата ЕСПЧ yurtranslate23)
abbr., life.sc. guanylate cyclase
abbr., med. Ganglion Cell; Giant Cell; Glycoprotein C; Goblet Cell; Golgi Cell; Granulosa Cell; gonococcus or gonorrheal; gonorrhea; gonococcal culture; granular casts; granulomatous colitis; guanine cytosine; guanyl cyclase
abbr., mil. Gas Chromatography; Geneva Conventions; general counsel; Geneva Convention
abbr., mil., air.def. giga cycles
abbr., mil., avia. gain compression
abbr., mining. gun-cotton
abbr., monk. Gamecube
abbr., nautic., scient. Gas Chromatograph
abbr., O&G, karach. gauge cutter (Карачаганак, Rigless &, WireLine Aiman Sagatova)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. grade code
abbr., oil gas and condensate (andrushin); gas cut (andrushin); gas chromatographic; gas coefficient; gas compressor; gas condensate; gas-liquid chromatography; gathering centers; Geiger counter; general catalogue; general command; generalized covariance; gigacycle per second; Glidden Chemical Corporation; grade crossing; graft copolymer; graphite carbon; gravelly clay; green carborundum grain; group control; Group on Computer; Gulf Coast; gun perforated casing
abbr., opt. gas chromatography
abbr., pharm. gluco-corticosteroid (MichaelBurov); glucocorticoid (MichaelBurov); glucocorticosteroid (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. General Condition; Gonococcus
abbr., polit. Democratic Republic of Germany (former)
abbr., polym. glass cloth
abbr., progr., IT Garbage Collection; Garbage Collector
abbr., scottish General Council; Germany (NATO country code; former Soviet Zone); Gun Controller
abbr., shipb. grid course
abbr., space gas liquid chromatography; ground controller; gyrocompassing
abbr., sport. Golf Club; Grand Champion
energ.ind. gas centrifuge; gas-cooled; generation company; glassy carbon; grid connection
mil. general circular; general cueing; generic code; ground and control; ground control; ground-controlled; guidance computer; guidance control; gun camera; gun captain; gun carriage; gun control; gyro compass
physiol. General condition; Gonococcal
tech. gain control; gate circuit; gate current; generic communication; global control; grounded collector; grounded condenser; group on computers; guidance and control; gyro control; gyrocompass
gc abbr.
abbr. conversion constant; general cargo; general contractor; geographical coordinates; gigacycle; great circle
abbr., lab.eq. gonococcus
O&G pressure gradient of cement slurry
Gc abbr.
abbr. gonococcus (Vosoni); gigacycles
abbr., earth.sc. global change
abbr., med. group-specific component
abbr., phys. conversion conductance
: 72 phrases in 24 subjects
Chemical compounds1
Chemical industry1
Electrical engineering2
Laboratory equipment1
Oil and gas1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Sakhalin S1
SAP finance1
United Nations1