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FV abbr.stresses
avia. ЛА (летательный аппарат; flying vehicle Oleksandr Spirin); валидирующий перевозчик (далее следует двухбуквенный код перевозчика ksuh)
gas.proc. клапан-регулятор расхода (Aiduza)
 English thesaurus
FV abbr.
abbr. Future Value; Fair Value (Lavrov); flush value; final value
abbr., account. future value
abbr., agric. friend virus
abbr., auto. fire vehicle; Formula V; Font view
abbr., avia. float valve; flight vector; flight visibility; flux valve
abbr., cinema Fantasy Violence
abbr., dril. Fann viscosity
abbr., earth.sc. favorable variance; final vapor; final vapour; flocculation value
abbr., el. field of view; field of vision; forced value; formal verification; form view
abbr., electr.eng. front view; full voltage
abbr., energ.ind. flow velocity (lxu5)
abbr., food.ind. Frozen Vegetables
abbr., inet. From Val
abbr., logist. Feeder Vessel (Yuriy83)
abbr., med. Fetal Vaccinia; Fever Virus; Fibroma Virus; Filiform Virus; Foamy Virus; Fomede Virus; Friend Virus; Frog Virus; Factor V; fluid volume
abbr., mil. Field Validation; Functional Validation
abbr., mil., avia. fill valve
abbr., nautic., scient. Flawless Victory
abbr., O&G Flow control valve (Yeldar Azanbayev); funnel viscosity (DAKK)
abbr., oil full vacuum; firm verification; float valves; foot valve; fuel valve; vortex frequency
abbr., physiol., med. Flu Vomiting
abbr., progr., IT Full Version
abbr., scottish Field Vehicle
abbr., space flight version
abbr., tech. fishing vessel; full vaccum (lxu5)
abbr., textile face value; foreign value
abbr., tradem. Firth Vickers
energ.ind. femtovolt
mil. fighting vehicle; firing velocity; flight vehicle; forward visibility
tech. floor valve; flyback voltage; frequency-to-voltage converter
TV false vertical
wood. composite flake-veneer
fv abbr.
abbr., med. fever
abbr., mil., avia. folio verso
O&G fraction of bulk volume
Fv abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. flush valve
abbr., mil. aircraft speed correction factor
fv. abbr.
abbr., tech. folio verso
: 7 phrases in 6 subjects
Molecular biology1