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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
fud [fʌd] nstresses
scottish пиздюк ("female genitalia" from the Scots language, generally used as a term of personal insult, слэнг КГА)
slang старомодный человек (Interex)
textile пух со щёток
vulg. лобковые волосы
FUD abbr.
abbr. страх, неопределённость и сомнения (Alex_Odeychuk)
st.exch. Страх, неуверенность и сомнение (Акроним от англ fear, uncertainty, and doubt, криптовалютный и биржевой сленг Alice Volkov)
univer. Федеральный Университет г. Дуце (Federal University Dutse, Нигерия unipage.net Bobrovska)
 English thesaurus
FUD abbr.
abbr. Fast User Directory; Fear Uncertainly And Doubt; Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt (Slang, IBM); Female Urinary Device; Field Use Designator; Fire Unit Display; First Unit Deployed; Fold Up Decoys; Frequently Used Disinformation; Frustration Unhappiness And Despair; Full Unit Designator
abbr., IT fear, uncertainty and doubt (Bricker)
abbr., psychol. fear, uncertainty and doubt (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., scottish Force Unit Designator
FUD abbr.
abbr., space first use date
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Sakhalin A1