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FP abbr.stresses
gen. рамочная программа (framework programme Alexander Oshis); флуоресцентная поляризация липидов сыворотки крови (Nastya-schastye)
bank. полностью оплаченный (fully paid); фиксированная цена (fixed price)
comp., net. защита файла; поле префикса
dril. гидродинамическое давление (flowing pressure)
fire. фторпротеиновая пена (Johnny Bravo); протеиновые фторсодержащие пенообразователи (пенообразователи типа FP: для тушения горючих жидкостей cntd.ru Natalya Rovina)
Gruzovik, polit. внешняя политика (foreign policy)
Gruzovik, scient. температура замерзания (freezing point)
IT плавающая точка; функциональный процессор
med. готовая продукция (Finished product intern)
O&G температура вспышки (MichaelBurov); форпик (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. противопожарная защита (fire protection); полнопроходной
oil конечное давление (final pressure); точка замерзания (freezing point)
pharma. готовый препарат (finished product BB50); Польская фармакопея (kat_j)
polym. ФП (MichaelBurov); фильтрующий полимер (MichaelBurov)
progr. единица функционального размера (сокр. от function point ssn)
sec.sys. ответственное лицо (Focal Point Nadya_Shainyan)
tech. огнезащита (fireproofing konstmak)
fp abbr.
tech. ПН
 English thesaurus
FP abbr.
abbr. Famous People; Floating Point; Forensic Psychologist; Freedom Of Press; Front Porch; Full Potential; Agence France Press (agency, France); Fanny Price; Farm Points; Fat Potential; flexible point; forward prediction; film and paper (capacitor); fire-place; fore perpendicular; Furan Plastics, Inc.; pipe-fitter; feedback positive; Fibre Product; Field Party; Field Post; field protective; Fighting Points; Film And Print; Final Prototype; Fire Position; Fire Proofing; Fire Pulse; fireplace; Fishing Partner; Florilegium Patristicum; Fordyce and Princeton Railroad Company; foreign policy; forepeak; Formatting Properties; former pupil; forward perpendicular; Framework Program; Front Polar; Frozen Planet; Fucking Pussies; Fun Person; Functional Proponent; fungus proof; Funny Party; Furious Poet
abbr., agric. fowl pox
abbr., AI. Fine-Phonetic approach
abbr., anim.husb. fish protein
abbr., auto. fuel pump; fuel pump relay (Ford); friction power
abbr., avia. Forensic Pathologist; flight plan; fail passive; fatigue performance; first pilot; flight profile; flight progress; food preparation (area); facilities procedure; final assembly; final product; fire point; flight path; foam plastic; focal point; foot pedal; fuel petrol; fusible plugs
abbr., biol. fertile period
abbr., bodybuild. filtering polymers (MichaelBurov)
abbr., bot., scient. Flower Points
abbr., busin. face piece; feeder panel; finished pieces; flashing point; footpath; foot pound; free port; full pension
abbr., cartogr. flagpole; foot path
abbr., commer. finished piece; Francs-papier
abbr., comp., net. file protection; frame protocol
abbr., corp.gov. field programme
abbr., dril. flowing pressure (usually refers to flowing tubing pressure)
abbr., earth.sc. flood plain; flow proportional; fluorescent particles; forecasting procedure; fundamental parameter method; plasencia fault
abbr., econ. fine paper
abbr., ed. Foster Parents
abbr., el. Fabry-Perot (cavity); flat-pack (package); face plate; front plate; failure prediction; failure probability; fast page; fast path; fast print; feedback, positive; feeding panel; field-plated; field plate structure; field-protected; file pocket; file processing; filter program; fixed part; flame photometric detector; flexible processor; floating-point; Fokker-Plank equation; folding point; forward process operates; frame parity; frame pointer; frame processor; frequency of pump; frequency pulling; function panel; function programming; fuzzy premise; flatpack; flat panel
abbr., el., scient. Flash point; Full Power
abbr., electr.eng. field-protective (relay)
abbr., file.ext. Data (FileMaker Pro)
abbr., fin. framework programme; forward price
abbr., food.ind. Food Poison
abbr., geogr. floodplain
abbr., geol., scient. Fracture Plane
abbr., immunol. ferriprotoporphyrin (ochernen)
abbr., IT File Pointer; Font Position; flat package; format prefix; function processor; factory planning (ipesochinskaya); Functional Programming
abbr., karate. flutter parameter
abbr., law False Positive
abbr., math., scient. Fundamental Parameter
abbr., med. Association France Parkinson; Fast Pathway (heart Electrical Activity); Fetoprotein; Fixation Protein; Flavoprotein; Focal Plane; family practice; family practitioner; Family Practice (harser); faux profil (Tiny Tony); fluorescence polarization (ННатальЯ); false-positive; family physician/practitioner; flat plate; frontoparietal; frozen plasma
abbr., med., conv.notation. properdin
abbr., med., lat. fiat potio
abbr., mil. Fixed Pitch; Force Package; Faceplate; financial planning (Violet); Force Projection; firing point; force protection; frequency panel; force proposal
abbr., mil., avia. faceplate
abbr., nautic. fire pump
abbr., O&G flash point (MichaelBurov); fore peak (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. fire protection
abbr., O&G, sakh. Fire Protection Subcommittee; freeze protected; freeze protection; full port
abbr., oil final pressure; flowline pressure (andrushin); formation pressure (andrushin); flowing pressure; feldspar-porphyry; filling pipe; film and paper condenser; finger plate; finished pieces; finishing paint; flame photometer; flame-proof; floor plate; floor price; flow pressure; fluid pressure; fluorescent particle; fracture pressure; freeing port; French Patent; front panel; fuel pressure; full paid
abbr., pest.contr. smoke cartridge
abbr., phys.chem. Focusing Potential (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
abbr., physiol., med. Food Poisoning
abbr., polit. French Polynesia
abbr., polym. feed pump; flashless propellant; filtering polymer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., post Presorted First-class rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line
abbr., product. finished product (igisheva)
abbr., progr. function point (ssn)
abbr., scottish Fishery Protection; Frangible Projectile
abbr., space feature point; feeding pump; fire proof
abbr., sport. Fair Play; Former Players
abbr., tradem. Founding Partner; Frankoma Pottery
abbr., transp. Fast Pass
energ.ind. fire protection pump; flame photometry
invest. fixed price; fully paid
meteorol. flight planning; flight position; forecasting principle
mil. field punishment; fighter propulsion; firing phase; firing platoon; fixed point; flat point; flight pay; flight publications; foolproof; foot patrol; forfeiture of pay; freight and passenger
tech. fattening period; feedback; feedback potentiometer; film pack; fire plug; fission product; flameproof; flexibility point; flight programmer; flow line pressure; flow point; foot-pound; foot-pound-force; foreground processing; front projection; full period; full pressure; fusible plug; fusion point; positive
therm.eng. feedwater pump; flame-protected
fp abbr.
abbr. family planning; fortepiano; fire policy; fireplug; fireproof; flash point; floating policy; freezing point; freight prepaid
abbr., dril. flame proof
abbr., earth.sc. feldspar; friction factor in pipe
opt. focal plane
Fp abbr.
abbr. pump friction
abbr., earth.sc. feldspar porphyry
med. flavoproteine (with FAD or FMN)
tech. melting point
αFP abbr.
abbr. foetoprotein
abbr., chem. α-foetoprotein
λfp abbr.
abbr., el. Fabry-Perot wavelength
fp. abbr.
abbr., libr. frontispiece
α-FP abbr.
abbr., chem. α-fetoprotein
ɑ-FP abbr.
abbr., life.sc. ɑ-fetoprotein
FP— abbr.
abbr., tech. full power
: 50 phrases in 19 subjects
Information technology1
Nuclear and fusion power20
Nuclear physics1
Oil / petroleum1
Security systems2
Textile industry1