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FMS nstresses
gen. Федеральная миграционная служба (Georgy Moiseenko); Вычислительная система самолётовождения (Flight Management System Grebelnikov); система финансовой мотивации (financial motivation system Ремедиос_П)
avia. система управления полётом
comp. Система управления автотранспортом (Fleet Management System Caithey)
geophys. зонд микросканирования (MichaelBurov); прибор микросканирования (MichaelBurov); микросканер (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, mil. экспортные продажи вооружения и военной техники МО США (foreign military sales; продажа В и ВТ другим странам на основе правительственных соглашений за наличный расчёт или в кредит; осуществляется непосредственно МО США)
O&G микросканер пласта (MichaelBurov); резистивный микросканер пласта (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. метод микросканирования (formation micro-scanner); ММС (formation micro-scanner)
ophtalm. система управления гидродинамикой (в офтальмологической хирургической системе; "fluidics management system" Alex_Odeychuk)
polit. ФМС (MichaelBurov)
tech. гибкая производственная система; ГПС; метод микросканирования (Formation Microscanner)
FMS abbr.
bank. СПФС (Financial Messaging System – (тж. встречается тж. SFPS): Система передачи финансовых сообщений (СПФС) Банка России — российская межбанковская система передачи финансовой информации и совершения платежей, функционирующая на базе информационно-телекоммуникационной системы мегарегулятора. wikipedia.org 'More)
 English thesaurus
FMS abbr.
abbr., avia. field maintenances squadron; fuel management system
abbr., busin. famous; financial management system
abbr., earth.sc. first material stress
abbr., IT frequency modulation screening
abbr., oil fast matrix solver; field management system; formation micro-resistivity scanning logging; formation micro-scanner log; formation microscanner tool; free-machinery steel
abbr., ophtalm. Fluidic Management System (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., space Federation of Materials Societies; fluid management system; frequency monitoring system; full-mission simulator
abbr., tech. force measuring system
FMS abbr.
abbr. Fear of Missing Something; Financial Management Service; Fire Management System; Flexible Manfacturing System; Flexible Manufacturing System; Fraud Management System; Fellow of the Medical Society; floating machine shop; Force Measurement System; Forms Management System; FORTRAN Monitor System (OS, IBM 709); freemachining steel; Full Of Mostly Shit; future medium-altitude SAM
abbr., avia. Fort Madison, Iowa USA; flight management system (FMCS and AFS sensors); Fuel Monitoring System (Пахно Е.А.); flight management system (MichaelBurov); factory maintenance specialist; flexible management manufacturing system; flight mode selector; flow management system; free machining steel
abbr., commun. fieldbus message specification (Метран); Functional Module Specification
abbr., comp. File Management System (bonly)
abbr., comp., net., IT Fieldbus Messaging Specification; Fieldbus Messaging System
abbr., el. foreign military sales (program); facility monitoring system; facsimile mail system; ferromagnetic semiconductor; fiber management system; flexible media stack; fly management system; frequency measuring station; frequency modulation spectroscopy; frequency multiplexed subcarrier; full multiple scattering regime
abbr., el., scient. Forms management system
abbr., geophys. formation micro scanner (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Fixed Mobile Substitution
abbr., med. Fellow Of The Medical Society; Fibromyalgia Syndrome; farnesylsuccinic acid (ННатальЯ); fibromyalgia syndrome (Игорь_2006); fat-mobilizing substance; Frankfurt-Marburg syndrome; full-mouth series
abbr., mil. Force Module Subsystem; Foreign Military Sales; force module subsystem; foreign military sale
abbr., mil., air.def. frequency-multiplexed subcarrier
abbr., nautic. Fathoms
abbr., O&G formation microscanner (MichaelBurov); formation resistivity microscanner (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. formation micro-scanner
abbr., O&G, sakh. formation micro-scanner (technique)
abbr., oil formation multiscanner; formation microscanner
abbr., physiol. Feline McDonough Sarcoma
abbr., physiol., med. False Memory Syndrome; Feline Mcdonough Sarcoma
abbr., polit. Federal Migration Service (MichaelBurov)
abbr., progr., IT File Management Service; Flash Medis Server
abbr., scottish Ferranti Modular Sonar; Field-Maintenance Squadron (USAF); Fire Marking System; Flexible Machining System; Frequency Management System
abbr., shipb. fleet mine sweeper
abbr., st.exch. Fresenius Medical Care, A. G.
abbr., tech. Field Maintenance Squadron
abbr., transp. Fleet Management System
energ.ind. fuel monitoring section
mil. fallout monitoring station; field maintenance shop; fighter missile system; foreign military service; fuze maintenance spares
softw. file management service
tech. facilities management system; flexible measuring system; flight motion simulator; flow measuring system; flux monitoring system; frequency mixer stage
fms abbr.
abbr., econ. first marks
FMs abbr.
abbr. Defense Intelligence Functional Managers
FMS abbr.
abbr., med. Functional Movement Screen (paseal); Fundamental Motor/Movement Skills (paseal)
: 194 phrases in 17 subjects
Automated equipment73
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering34
Oil / petroleum1