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FM abbr.stresses
gen. УКВ радиостанция (термин "радио" означает у водителей средние волны)
abbr. семейная медицина (Family Medicine Morning93)
ASCII. совместная исследовательская корпорация производителей (Yeldar Azanbayev)
chess.term. мастер спорта ФИДЕ (taviskaron)
comp. быстродействующее запоминающее устройство; быстродействующая память (fast memory)
econ. финансовая модель (Valeri Imashev); финансовое моделирование (Valeri Imashev)
el. частотный модулятор (Aziz)
Gruzovik, polit. министр иностранных дел (Foreign Minister)
Gruzovik, scient. гибкое производство (flexible manufacturing)
IT файловое ЗУ
meteorol. прогноз
obst. движение плода ((fetal movement) UniTai)
oil техническое обслуживание при появлении отказа (failure maintenance); тип отказа (failure mode); характер отказа (failure mode); наставление по эксплуатации (field manual); техническое обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации (field maintenance)
pharm. модифицирующий фактор (factor de modificación – из словаря slideshare.net vdengin)
radio УКВ-ЧМ (MichaelBurov); УКВ-ЧМ диапазон (MichaelBurov); ультракороткие волны с частотной модуляцией (MichaelBurov)
SAP.tech. функциональный модуль
tech. ЧМ; частотная модуляция; частотно-модулированный
fm abbr.
dril. пласт (formation); формация (formation); свита (formation)
nucl.phys. фемтометр (внесистемная единица длины); ФМ (внесистемная единица длины)
Fm abbr.
geol. толща (MichaelBurov); продуктивный объект (MichaelBurov); продуктивный пласт (MichaelBurov)
tech. фермий
 English thesaurus
FM abbr.
abbr. flexible multiplexer; fan type marker; Federated States of Micronesia (Alex Lilo); Facial Myokymia (Alex Lilo); Facility Manager (Alex Lilo); Facility Map (FAA ARTCC mapping of areas to a facility Alex Lilo); Facility Module (Alex Lilo); Facing Matter (Alex Lilo); Factory Manual; Factory Marking (s); Factory Model (Alex Lilo); Factory Mutual (Alex Lilo); Factory Mutual Intrinsically safe and Nonincendive Approval; Failure Mode (Alex Lilo); Fairbanks-Morse (Alex Lilo); Family Medicine (Alex Lilo); Family Member (AUXMIS Alex Lilo); Family Room (Alex Lilo); Fan Marker (Alex Lilo); Farm To Market; Farm to Market (secondary road, Texas Alex Lilo); Fast Messages (Alex Lilo); Fat Man (atomic bomb Alex Lilo); Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania Alex Lilo); Fault Management (Alex Lilo); February, March (budget times in Indian states Alex Lilo); Fecal Matter (Alex Lilo); Fecit Monumentum (Latin: Built A Monument, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Alex Lilo); Federal Minister; Federal Ministry; Female Male; Femto Meter; Femtometer (10 E^-15, one quadrillionth of a meter Alex Lilo); Ferdinand Marcos (Alex Lilo); Ferromagnetic (Alex Lilo); Festive Music; Fibromyalgia (Alex Lilo); Fibrosing Mediastinitis (Alex Lilo); fewest moves (Eugene37); Fibrous Monolith (Alex Lilo); FIDE Master (chess Alex Lilo); field manual; Field Marshall; File Maintenance (Alex Lilo); File Man; Filio Mater (Latin: Mother to Her Son, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Filio Morenti (Latin: To His/Her Dying Son, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Filius Matri (Latin: Son to His Mother, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Fill Mode; Film And Music; Filosofian Maisteri (Finnish: masters degree Alex Lilo); Finance Manager (Alex Lilo); Finance Memorandum (Alex Lilo); Financial Manager (Alex Lilo); Financial Minister (Alex Lilo); Fine Music; Finished Machined (Alex Lilo); fire main; Fire Marshall (Alex Lilo); Fire Mission (Alex Lilo); Fireman (Alex Lilo); Fiscal Management (Alex Lilo); Fish Meal (Alex Lilo); Fissile Material (Alex Lilo); Five Musicians; Fleetwood Mac (band Alex Lilo); Flight Model (Alex Lilo); Flight Module; Flogging Molly (band Alex Lilo); Floor Manager (Alex Lilo); Floor Mat; Flour Milling; Flow Manufacturing (Alex Lilo); Flow Meter (Alex Lilo); Flyball Master; Flying Monkeys (Alex Lilo); Folding Money; Follow Me (Alex Lilo); Font Metrics (Alex Lilo); Football Manager (computer game Alex Lilo); Force Main (civil/hydraulic engineering Alex Lilo); Force Majeure (French: Greater Force Alex Lilo); Force Management (Alex Lilo); Force Modernization (Alex Lilo); Force Module (Alex Lilo); Foreign Materiel; Foreign Minister; Forest Management (Alex Lilo); Formal Method (s Alex Lilo); Format (Alex Lilo); Fort Minor (band Alex Lilo); Fort Myers (Florida Alex Lilo); Forum Moderator (message boards Alex Lilo); Fox Mulder (X-Files character Alex Lilo); Frank Murphy; Franklin Mint (Alex Lilo); Freak Magnet; Freaking Magic (polite form Alex Lilo); Freddie Mercury (Queen lead singer Alex Lilo); Free Market (Alex Lilo); Free Movies; Free Music; Frequency Management (Alex Lilo); Frequency Matching; Frequency Modulate (Alex Lilo); Frequency Multiplier; Frequenz-Modulation; Fresh Music; Friable Material (Alex Lilo); Frijoles Mesa Site (Alex Lilo); From (Alex Lilo); Front Matter (Alex Lilo); Front Midship; Frontend Magic; Frontier Mountains (Everquest Alex Lilo); Fucking Magic; Fucking Mercury; Fujitsu Micro; Fukai Mori (Japanese song, Inuyasha closing theme Alex Lilo); Full Mana (Alex Lilo); Full Migration (Alex Lilo); Full Moon (Alex Lilo); Fun Monkey; Function Management; Functional Manager (Alex Lilo); Functional Module (Alex Lilo); Fundamental Mathematics; Funky Monkey (104.9 FM Seattle, WA radio station Alex Lilo); Fusion Module (Alex Lilo); manufacturer's responsibility (Vosoni); Frequency Modulation
abbr., agric. farmyard manure
abbr., AI. Forward Masking
abbr., anim.husb. fusobacteria microorganism
abbr., auto. fan motor program in PCM; friction modifier; fender mirror; finite element simulation; front mid-ship
abbr., automat. flexible manufacturing
abbr., avia. flight management; flight mechanic; course from fixed waypoint with a manual termination; fan maker; ferrous metal; field manuals; field measurement; fire manual; flight monitor; function module; fan marker beacon; track-to-manual termination; Shanghai Airlines
abbr., avia., Canada fan marker
abbr., avia., med. muscular fatigue
abbr., biol. flunixin meglumine
abbr., busin. foam; force majeure; Foreign Ministry; foreign money; facility management (Е. Тамарченко, 15.05.2018 Евгений Тамарченко)
abbr., cartogr. Foreign Mercator
abbr., chem. Formula Mass (iwona); flavin mononucleotide; force microscopy; field installation
abbr., commer. Finnish mark
abbr., comp. fast memory
abbr., construct. filed memorandum (меморандум по стройплощадке inguz)
abbr., earth.sc. ferromanganese nodule; figures of merit; finess modulus; foramen magnum; franc malien
abbr., el. foreign matter (contamination); failure mechanism; fault masking; ferromagnetic Mavar; ferromagnetism; file manager; file mark; flash memory; flight melt; flush mounting; floating multiply; foreign material; forking model; format manager; forward monitoring; frame memory; frame mode; Frank-van der Merwe growth; freeze mode; frequency modulator; frequency monitor; frequency multiplexing; Fresnel mirror; Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.; full Maxwellian (distribution function); function microprocessor; fundamental mode; fucking manual
abbr., electr.eng. field meter; frequency modulation
abbr., file.ext. Database (FileMaker Pro)
abbr., fin. Fiscal Monitor
abbr., forestr. fuel moisture content
abbr., insur. Factory Mutual System; factory mutual systems
abbr., IT frequency method; full modulation; file memory
abbr., Makarov. frequency-modulated
abbr., med. Fat Mass (iwona); Fetal Movement; fibromuscular; foot-and-mouth disease; frequency modulated/modulation; maximal isometric force
abbr., med., lat. fiat mistura
abbr., met. finishing mill
abbr., mil. fighting method; flight manual; Flight Mishap see also FRM; field manual; flare multiunit; force module; functional manager; force marshalling; frequency modulation guided missile patrol ship; guided missile patrol ship
abbr., mil., WMD titanium tetrachloride
abbr., mineral. fused magnesia (makhno)
abbr., mining. fine middlings; fulminate of mercury
abbr., NATO Field manual
abbr., O&G, sakh. Factory Mutual Engineering Corp.; field manager
abbr., oil ferrite-metal; field magnet; file management; filemark; fore mast; formation microscanner; frequency modulated; fully middling; fuzzy modeling; Micronesia
abbr., physiol. Fine Motor
abbr., polit. Federated States of Micronesia
abbr., polym. fair merchantable
abbr., radio.amat. frequency-modulation
abbr., road.wrk. front mount (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Fabricaciones Militares (Argentina); Field Marshal (British Army); Titanium tetrachloride (Chemical warfare smoke mixture)
abbr., shipb. fore master
abbr., silic. fineness modulus
abbr., space feedback demodulator; federation management; Fei Meng
abbr., sport. FIDE master; friggin murphy
ecol. fish migration
energ.ind. factory-made; field-mounted; figure of merit; fixed mirrors; flowmeter; fuel mix
mil. Comptroller; facilities maintenance; facilities management; field maintenance; field modification; field music; financial management; foreign military; foreign mission; fully modernized
tech. failure-only maintenance; fast magnet; feedback memory; ferrite metal; frequency meter; fibrous material; field memory; focusing mount; folding mirror; fracture mechanics; frames-per-minute; frequency multiplex; minister of foreign affairs
TV frequency generator
fm abbr.
abbr. farmer; feedback mechanism; fathoms; firm
abbr., chem. mass transfer factor
abbr., earth.sc. fermi
biol. form
electr.eng. fine measurement
O&G formation
opt. femtometer
tech. 1,829 m
Fm abbr.
abbr. farm; fathom; manometer factor; Fermium; forged on mandrel
abbr., geol. formation (MichaelBurov); earth formation (MichaelBurov); geologic formation (MichaelBurov); subsurface formation (MichaelBurov)
tech., abbr. centurium
fm. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. fathom
abbr., econ. from
Fm. abbr.
abbr., tech. festmeter
.fm abbr.
file.ext. Micronesia
: 260 phrases in 41 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Automated equipment6
Computer networks1
Electrical engineering1
Firefighting and fire-control systems2
Gold mining1
High energy physics2
Household appliances3
Information technology3
Mass media8
Quantum electronics1
SAP finance5