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FELs nstresses
Makarov. лазеры на свободных электронах (free-electron lasers; генерируют в спектральном диапазоне от миллиметровых волн до ультрафиолета, а тж. рентгеновские лучи 7-12 кэВ и гамма-лучи 12,2 МэВ)
FEL [fel] n
mil. лазер на свободных электронах
fel [fel] n
med. жёлчь
Fel [fel] n
comp.games. Скверна (из вселенной WoW Alex Kit)
fant./sci-fi. Скверна (Warcraft 2016 American action fantasy film directed by Duncan Jones Taras)
 English thesaurus
FEL abbr.
abbr. Front End Loader; Food Engineering Laboratory; front-end loading (Front-end loading (FEL), also referred to as pre-project planning (PPP), front-end engineering design (FEED), feasibility analysis, conceptual planning, programming/schematic design and early project planning, is the process for conceptual development of projects in processing industries such as upstream, petrochemical, refining and pharmaceutical. This involves developing sufficient strategic information with which owners can address risk and make decisions to commit resources in order to maximize the potential for success. Front-end loading includes robust planning and design early in a project's lifecycle (i.e., the front end of a project), at a time when the ability to influence changes in design is relatively high and the cost to make those changes is relatively low. It typically applies to industries with highly capital intensive, long lifecycle projects (i.e., hundreds of millions or billions of dollars over several years before any revenue is produced). Though it often adds a small amount of time and cost to the early portion of a project, these costs are minor compared to the alternative of the costs and effort required to make changes at a later stage in the project. It also typically uses a stage-gate process, whereby a project must pass through formal gates at well defined milestones within the project's lifecycle before receiving funding to proceed to the next stage of work. Wiki Alexander Demidov)
abbr., avia. Furstenfeldbruck, Germany
abbr., goldmin. front-end loader (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Free Electron Laser; Free-Electron Laser
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. front end loading
abbr., scottish Fibre Elastomeric (rotor head); Frame Electrical System
mil. free electron laser
tech. foreign exchange line
fel abbr.
abbr., auto. flywheel end left
FELS abbr.
abbr., comp.name. Far East Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd.
abbr., el. field emission nanolithography system
FELs: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Meat processing5
Textile industry1