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FEC abbr.stresses
gen. полные издержки производства (Full Economic Cost OlesyaAst)
abbr. семейный развлекательный центр (Katerina Ka)
comp., net. упреждающая коррекция ошибок
ecol. Координатор по оценке предприятия (Facility Evaluation Coordinator Лилия Кузьмина)
econ. ТЭК (Fuel and Energy Complex; Топливно-энергетический комплекс Китаев В.Г.)
energ.syst. частота прерываний на потребителя (<к-во/год> MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, scient. прямое исправление ошибок (forward error correction)
O&G ТЭК (Fuel and Energy Complex MichaelBurov); топливно-энергетический комплекс (MichaelBurov)
oncol. Фторурацил, эпирубицин и циклофосфамид (Fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC-75) iwona)
tech. топливноэнергетический комплекс (<реже> MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
FEC abbr.
abbr. Federal Election Commission; Financial Evaluations Committee; Far East Command; Federal Election Council; forward-error correction; Federal Electric Corp.; Field Command; Florida East Coast Railway Co.
abbr., auto. fuel evaporationevaporatorcontrol
abbr., avia. field electrical centre; failure effect category; failure effects category; flight envelope computer; forward equipment center; functionally equivalent computer
abbr., commer. Framework for Economic Cooperation; Federal Electric Corporation; Financial and Economic Commission
abbr., commun. front-end clipping
abbr., comp., net., IT Fast Ethernet Controller; Forwarding Equivalence Class
abbr., comp.name. Fox Energy Corporation
abbr., earth.sc. free energy change
abbr., el. forward error correction (coder); fast ether channel; field-effect conductance; field effect controlled; field emission cathode; field emitter cathode; field-enhanced conductivity; front end computer; Fuji Electrochemical Co., Ltd.; fully encapsulated Czochralski process
abbr., el., scient. Fabrication evaluation chip; Forward Error Correcting
abbr., electr.eng. forced excitation control
abbr., fire. fractional effective concentration (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., geol. final energy consumption
abbr., geol., scient. Florida East Coast
abbr., law family entertainment centre (A family entertainment center (or centre), often abbreviated FEC in the entertainment industry,[1] is a small amusement park marketed towards families with small children to teenagers, and often entirely indoors or associated with a larger operation such as a theme park. They usually cater to "sub-regional markets of larger metropolitan areas."[1] FECs are generally small compared to full-scale amusement parks, with fewer attractions, a lower per-person per-hour cost to consumers than a traditional amusement park, and not usually major tourist attractions, but sustained by an area customer base. Many are locally owned and operated, although there are a number of chains and franchises in the field.[1] FECs are sometimes called family amusement centers, play zones, family fun centers, or simply fun centers. Some non-traditional FECs, called urban entertainment centers (UECs), with more customized and branded attractions and retail outlets, are associated with major entertainment companies and may be tourist destinations.[2] Others, sometimes operated by Non-Profit organizations as Children's Museums or Science Centers, tend to be geared toward edutainment experiences rather than simply amusement. FECs may also be adjuncts to full-scale amusement parks. WAD Alexander Demidov)
abbr., med. Friend Erythroleukemia Cell; free erythrocyte coproporphyrin
abbr., mil. Forward Error Correction; facilities engineering command
abbr., mil., avia. far-end crosstalk
abbr., mil., WMD fire extinguisher cabinet
abbr., O&G FPC (MichaelBurov); fuel-power complex (MichaelBurov); Fuel & Energy Complex (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. front-end compression project
abbr., oil finance and economics committee (serz); Federal Exchange Commission
abbr., physiol. Forced Expiratory Capacity
abbr., police Force Enquiry Centre
abbr., railw. Florida East Coast Railway Company
abbr., relig. Future Eternal Companion
abbr., semicond. fully encapsulated Czochralski
abbr., space forward exit cone
abbr., st.exch. Foreign Exchange Certificate
abbr., tradem. Fortin Equipment Company
energ.ind. ferroelectric ceramics
mil. facilities engineering change; field engineering change; foreign economic coordination
tech. ferroelectric ceramic; fixed electrolytic capacitor; forward error control; forward error corrective computer code
FeC abbr.
abbr., oil ferrocordierite
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Mass media1