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FEB nstresses
O&G, tengiz. fire extinction basin П / В пожарный водоём
feb. n
IT февраль
 English thesaurus
FEB abbr.
abbr., avia. function electronic block
abbr., commun. Floor Equipment earthing terminal Board
abbr., el. field enhanced breakdown; focused electron beam; functional electronic block
abbr., file.ext. Figure editor button bar (WordPerfect for Win)
feb abbr.
abbr., med. febris
Feb. abbr.
abbr., econ. February
FEB abbr.
abbr. February; Federal Executive Board; Fair Employment Board; Financial and Economic Board; Flying Evaluation Board; functional electronic block
abbr., IT Figure editor button bar
abbr., mil. Força Expedicionária Brasileira
abbr., physiol., med. Fever; Flesh Eating Bacteria
abbr., scient. Flow Equalization Basin
mil. field engineering bulletin
tech. forward equipment bay
Feb abbr.
abbr. February
FEB abbr.
abbr. Financial and Economical Board
abbr., oil figure-eight blank
abbr., space free electron bolometer
abbr., textile foreign exchange bank
: 10 phrases in 8 subjects
Oceanography & oceanology1
Oil and gas2