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FDT abbr.stresses
progr. инструментарий настройки полевых устройств (сокр. от field device tool ssn)
 English thesaurus
FDT abbr.
abbr. Field Device Tool; Formal Description Technique
abbr., avia. forward deployed trainers
abbr., comp. Function Decision Table (Vosoni)
abbr., dat.proc. field definition table
abbr., el. factory data terminal; fault detection tester; fault diagnostic test; fiber distribution terminal; field decomposition technique; file directory table; full duplex teletype; function dispatch table
abbr., file.ext. Formated Data Tapes
abbr., IT Fundamental Data Type; fluorescent discharge tube; flat display tube; full-duplex transmission
abbr., med. Right Frontotransverse (position Of Fetus); frontodextra transversa (position of the fetus)
abbr., mil. False Doppler Target (jamming); Flight Data Transmitter; forward distribution team
abbr., nano fluctuation-dissipative theorem
abbr., oil fluid density tool; formation density tool; fractional distillating tube; free column volume
abbr., pharm. Full Development Team (Bristol-Myers Squibb AB Rada0414)
abbr., progr. field device tool (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Flash Development Toolkit; Function Digital Test
energ.ind. floor drain treatment
mil. fault detection tester; first destination transportation; flexible digital terminal; flight demonstration team; formatted data tape
tech. failure diagnostic team; floor drain tank; full-438 duplex teletype
FDT: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology1