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FC abbr.stresses
automat. фронтальный многоцелевой станок (сокр. от facing center ssn)
avia., ICAO ВПЦ (flight cycle – взлётно-посадочный цикл Intruder_0)
cables разъём FC (MichaelBurov)
cardiol. ФКП (функциональная кардиопатия; functional cardiopathy; или ФИС – функциональные изменения сердца Frolov19)
comp. нечёткая когнитивная карта (см. fuzzy cognitive map 'More)
construct. поэтажный коридор (floor corridor Solidboss)
dril. фильтрационная корка (filter cake; на стенке скважины)
el. преобразователь частоты; конвертор; блок транспонирования частоты; обозначение для береговых станций (принятое МСЭ)
Gruzovik, scient. преобразователь частоты (frequency changer)
IT смена типа шрифта; сравнение файлов
lab.eq. высота от пода до потолка (Камакина)
math. коэффициент Фурье (Fourier constant); состоятельность в смысле Фишера (Fisher consistency); состоятельный в смысле Фишера (Fisher consistent); функциональное исчисление (functional calculus)
med. облегчённая коммуникация (facilitated communication pathway); коммуникация с поддержкой (pathway); облёгченная коммуникация (pathway); ФК (функциональный класс – functional class shergilov); frontal cortex ЛК (лобная кора estherik)
media. тип коннектора оптических кабелей японской корпорации NTT, ориентированный на применение в одномодовых системах
oil глинистая корка (на стенке скважины); причина отказа (failure cause); остаток на фильтре; муфта обсадной колонны с обратным клапаном (float collar); полнота обнаружения неисправностей (fault coverage)
opt. фут-свечей (WiseSnake)
PSP функциональная связь (Shmelev Alex)
SAP.tech. код функции
tech., abbr. обозначение для береговых станций (МСЭ); обозначение радиовещательных станций
toxicol. фузикоцин (iwona)
transp., abbr. топливная ячейка
FCТ abbr.
amer. Федеральный координатор транспорта (одно из гос. учреждений, созданных в период проведения администрацией Франклина Д. Рузвельта `НОВОГО КУРСА`, т.н. "алфавитных ведомств" Aly19)
fc abbr.
comp., net. факсимиле
Makarov. плавучий кран (floating crane)
qual.cont. фут-кандела (единица освещенности Яна!)
sport. футбольный клуб (football club эльдар)
fC abbr.
oil, abbr. коэффициент разрушения покрытия
 English thesaurus
FC abbr.
abbr. flexible container (Эсмеральда); Federal Criteria (for information technology security, NIST, USA); Forecast Centre (center); frequency changer (Vosoni); fireclay; front connection; front-connected; The French Connection (movie); flip-chip; coast station; flight certificate; flight commander; flying cadet; forecast centre; Forestry Commission; furnace cooled; flush-coupled
abbr., account. fixed costs
abbr., agric. field capacity; feed conversion; final control
abbr., auto. fan control; family car; fault code; fender cover; forward clutch; forward control; friction curve
abbr., automat. facing center (ssn); full classification
abbr., avia. flight control (MichaelBurov); fractocumulus; failure causes; failure condition; fan cowl; feel computer; filiform corrosion; flight configuration change; flight controls; foot candles; fuel conservation; functional check; functional collectors; full closed; carrier frequency; course from a fixed waypoint to a changeover point; fighter controller; final check; final condition; finishing cut; firing channel; firing console; flight cadet; flight center; flight change; flight characteristics; flight check; flight clearance; flight condition; flight configuration; flight controller; foot control; frame of copies; freight container; frequency control and analysis; function characteristics; fuel injection; fuselage centerline
abbr., avia., ICAO flight cycle
abbr., baseb. fielder's choice
abbr., BrE Fighter Command
abbr., busin. fire clay; fixed capital; fixed charges; foot candle
abbr., cables FC connector (MichaelBurov); fixed connection connector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. fuel battery
abbr., comp. font-change character
abbr., comp., net. fiber channel
abbr., construct. "For Construction" (пометка на чертежах Altuntash); fair cutting
abbr., earth.sc. facet for coracoid; false colour; false color; ferrochromite; hush coupling; foamed concrete; foliated charnockite; forest cover; fracto-cumulus; free chlorine; fusion component
abbr., econ. free of charge
abbr., el. fault circuit (gorbulenko); forecast center (station); false contouring; Faraday cup (detector); fast cooling; fault control; feature code; ferroelectric carrier; ferromagnetic contamination; fiber connector; file conversion; film composer; filter command; find called party; find calling party; flat cable; flow controller; fluent computer; focus control; forward channel; forward compatibility; fractional coding; frame control (field); framing character; framing code; Franck-Condon region; frequency change; frequency control; front end computer; face-change
abbr., el., scient. Field Cooling
abbr., electr.eng. faulted circuit; ferrite core; frequency conversion
abbr., electric. field coil
abbr., exhib. freight collection
abbr., file.ext. Harvard Graphics 2.0 Spell checking dictionary
abbr., fin. Foreign Currency; Fiscal Commission
abbr., fishery NAFO Fisheries Commission (bimba)
abbr., food.ind. Fried Chicken
abbr., IT Fibre Channel; face change; font change; font cartridge; file compare; feedback control; follow copy; functional component
abbr., lab.eq. Fume Cupboard
abbr., Makarov. fire cock; flight computer; function code; furnace cool
abbr., market. future consumption (терминология компании Coca-Cola kopeika)
abbr., med. fibrosing colonopathy (ННатальЯ); fold change (кратность изменения Dimpassy); Food consumption (Игорь_2006); fasciculus cuneatus; febrile convulsions; finger clubbing; finger counting; foster саге; functional capabilities; functional class
abbr., met. face centered; free cutting
abbr., mil. Fire Control; field circular; final coordination; fires cell (Army); floating causeway; floating craft; force commander; facilities control; flight control; functional check-out; Finance Corps; force command; Flag Carrier; Fractional Coverage
abbr., mil., avia. face centred
abbr., mil., WMD found concentration
abbr., nautic., scient. Flood Control
abbr., nucl.pow. nuclear fuel cell (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. fail close; Flow control
abbr., oil failure criteria; field code; filter cake (andrushin); float collar; full cost; Cevennes fault; face cutter; facility contract; facility control; fan channel; fast channel; feed count; ferrocast; ferrocenyl; fiber core; filed coil; filter clogged; fine clay; fingerprint coefficient; flow check; fluid conditioner; fluorocarbon; flux change; foaming crude; for cash; format counter; formation coefficient; frequency channel; friction clutch; fuel consumption; fuel cost; full consolidated; fuse connector; futures contract
abbr., org.name. Finance Committee; FAO Representations
abbr., pharm. fludarabine and cyclophosphamide
abbr., pharma. film coated (Баян)
abbr., physiol. Full Chest
abbr., polym. fixed carbon; Food contact (предназначенный для контакта с пищевыми продуктами lucky_l); furnace cooling; Food contac (предназначенный для контакта с пищевыми продуктами lucky_l)
abbr., progr., IT Fortran Compiler
abbr., radio frequency changer (converter)
abbr., scottish Corvette
abbr., sms Fingers crossed (Ying)
abbr., space fictitious carry; fit check; flip chip
abbr., sport. Fight Club; Football Clu (as in "FC Barcelona"); functional capacity
abbr., survey. Fiducial Center (Cartograph)
abbr., tech. Frequency Converter (Featus); fire control; ferro cast
abbr., textile Fedora Core
abbr., toxicol. Fusicoccin (iwona)
abbr., transp. First Class
abbr., UN, ecol. Facilitation Committee
abbr., uncom. federal code (igisheva)
abbr., well.contr. flow coupling
ecol., abbr. fecal coliform
energ.ind., abbr. first criticality; fission chamber; flame combustion; fluid circulation; forced circulation; forced-circulation; forced convection; Fourier criterion; fuel channel; fuel cladding; fuel composition; full capability; full citations; full costing; fund closing; furnace chamber; furnace-cooled
meteorol., abbr. forecast
mil., abbr. facilities construction; facilities contract; field camera; field change; field command; file cabinet; filter center; fine control; fire clothing; fire code; fire commander; fire controlman; fixed camera; fixed coast; fixed cost; flexible connection; flight capsule; flight chart; flight crew; flying commission; fuel capacity; full capacity; function capabilities; functional code; fund code
O&G, abbr. fully closed
tech. fault coverage
tech., abbr. fail closed; failure cause; failure count; failure criterion; fast computer; flat crested wear; flow controller; fluorine to carbon ratio; focus converter; foot-candle; fronted computer; fuel cycle; functional characteristics; functional checkout
tradem. Fairchild
transp., abbr. Fuel Cell
fc abbr.
abbr. critical frequency
abbr., earth.sc. compressive strength; ferrosilite
abbr., econ. franc
mining. floating crane
O&G gauge location factor
opt. footcandle
Fc abbr.
abbr., med. constant fragment of an antibody molecule; crystallizable fragment; fibrocyte
abbr., oil flow rate of carrier gas; flow rate of mobile phase
abbr., radio cut-off frequency
energ.ind. collision force
fc. abbr.
abbr., commer. franc
fC abbr.
O&G coating breakdown factor
Fc. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. fracto-cumulus
: 90 phrases in 27 subjects
Additive manufacturing & 3D printing1
Analytical chemistry4
Cables and cable production1
Computer networks2
Energy industry1
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Food industry1
Mass media5
Oil and gas technology1
Pharmacy and pharmacology3
Power system protection1