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FACS nstresses
media. абонентская линия связи с ИСЗ little LEO
FACS abbr.
biotechn. флуоресцентный сортинг (olga don)
comp., net. факсимильная связь
Gruzovik, mil. полевая система связи СВ (field army communications system)
med. член Американской коллегии хирургов (nata_squirrel)
O&G. tech. Противозатаскиватель (floor and crown block saver Olevelaya)
pharm. метод анализа сортировки клеток с активированной флуоресценцией (Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting Lviv_linguist)
psychol. система кодирования лицевых движений (сокр. от "facial action coding system"; комплексный инструмент для объективного измерения движений лица Alex_Odeychuk)
terat. Фетогидантоиновый синдром (Foetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome, FACS – пороки развития у плода, обусловленные принятием противоэпилептических/противосудорожных препаратов во время беременности GingerJane)
facs abbr.
el. факсимильный аппарат; факс; факсимильная копия
 English thesaurus
FAC abbr.
abbr. Facility; Funeral Advisory Council; Federal Arbitration Court (Nivakaame); Financial Advisory Committee (SEIC ABelonogov); fuse arming computer
abbr., aikido. Final Assembly Code (код страны финальной сборки Yuriy83)
abbr., anim.husb. Fat Analysis Committee
abbr., auto. facing; breed air cooling
abbr., automat. flexible assembly cell
abbr., avia. Facilitation Advisory Committee; Facilities Services; field assembly and checkout; first alert capability; flutter analysis configuration; Foreign Air Carrier
abbr., BrE fleet aircraft carrier
abbr., chem., scient. Free Available Chlorine
abbr., commer. Federal Acquisition Circular
abbr., comp., net. file access channel
abbr., data.prot. factorization
abbr., econ. Foreign Assets Control
abbr., ed. Friday After Class
abbr., ed., scient. Fine Arts College
abbr., el. features for attaching communications; filter address correction; first adjacent channel; first alarm code; floating accumulator; forward acting code; four-address code; fractional absorber coverage; frame address control; Frequency Allocation Committee
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (UNIX Faceserver image file, Usenix FACE); File Access Code; Graphic format (Usenix FACE Vosoni)
abbr., hist. Federal Aviation Commission
abbr., India Food and Agriculture Committee (структура правительств индийских штатов Farrukh2012)
abbr., insur. Forwarding agent's commission
abbr., int.transport. fast as can (как можно скорее Yuriy83)
abbr., IT Federation Against Commodore
abbr., law Fire Arms Certificate
abbr., med. Fucking Awkward Client; ATTR-CM (MichaelBurov); Fractional Area Change (harser); familial amyloid cardiomyopathy (MichaelBurov); transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (MichaelBurov); transthyretin-related amyloid cardiomyopathy (MichaelBurov); TTR amyloid cardiomyopathy (MichaelBurov); Phtoruracilum Adriamycinum, Cyclophosphanum; Fluoruracil Adriamycinum, Cyclophosphanum
abbr., mil. Family Assistance Center; forward air controller
abbr., mil., air.def. forward air control
abbr., mil., avia. facilities
abbr., mining. First Aid Case (tat-konovalova)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. finance advisory committee
abbr., O&G, sakh. facilities acceptance certificate; first aid case (any one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinters, etc., which do not ordinarily require medical care by a physician. Such treatment and observation are considered First Aid even if provided be a physician or registered professional personnel.)
abbr., oil formation activity coefficient
abbr., org.name. Food Aid Committee
abbr., scient. Forced Air Convection
abbr., scottish Fast Attack Craft; Fuerza Aerea Colombiana (Colombian Air Force)
abbr., securit. face-amount certificate
abbr., tax. fax charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., transp. Final Approach Course
energ.ind., abbr. fast as; final acceptance criteria; fuel adjustment clause; fuel ash composition
mil., abbr. financial administrative control; fleet augmentation component; forward attack coordinator; forward end cap; functional area code; fuze arming computer; Facilities
tech., abbr. feature analysis code; final acceptance criterion; fine alignment complete; fixed air capacitor; flow-accelerated corrosion
fac abbr.
abbr. facade
abbr., busin. facsimile; factory
abbr., oil faceted
electr.eng. field accelerator
insur. facultative (mos60)
fac. abbr.
abbr. facility; facsimile
facs abbr.
abbr., busin. facilities
fac. abbr.
abbr., econ. factory
abbr., libr. factotem
Fac abbr.
abbr. facet
abbr., oil faculty
facs. abbr.
abbr. facilities
Fac. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. faculty
FACS abbr.
abbr. Facility Administration Control System; Financial Activity Control System; Firmware ACPI Control Structure (ACPI); Frame and Cable System (telecom Alex Lilo)
abbr., avia. fabrication and cost schedules; fabrication and cost status; fabrication and cost system; fabrication and cost status system; factory attendance collection system; finance and control system; flight augmentation computer system; flight augmentation control system; forming A complete set
abbr., biotechn. fluorescence-activated cell sorting
abbr., comp., net. facsimile
abbr., ed. Financial Accounting Control Systems
abbr., ed., scient. Formal Aspects Of Computing Science
abbr., el. fast access to critical solutions (library); fully automatic compiling system; furnace analysis and control system
abbr., immunol. fluorescent-activated cell sorter
abbr., IT Facility Assignment and Control System
abbr., life.sc. fluorescence-activated cell sorter
abbr., med. Fellow Of The American College Of Surgeons; Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting; Fellow of the American College of Surgery (nata_squirrel); fluorescent activated cell sorting
abbr., mil. Field Automated Communication System
abbr., oil fully automatic compiler system
abbr., physiol., med. Facial Action Coding System
abbr., qual.cont. Failure Analysis and Control System
abbr., scient. Family And Consumer Science
abbr., space fast attack class submarine; field army communication system; fine attitude control system
abbr., UN Field Assets Control System
mil., abbr. field army communications system; forward air control section; fourth-generation advanced computer system
tech., abbr. fleet acoustic communications system
Facsim. abbr.
abbr. Facsimile
: 12 phrases in 7 subjects