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EB [eb] nstresses
comp. 10 в степени 18 байт (MichaelBurov)
electr.eng. бобышка заземления (earthing boss konstmak)
Gruzovik, scient. электронный луч (electron beam); пучок электронов (electron beam)
Eb [eb] n
gen. Эб (мужское имя)
comp. эксабит (10 to power 18 bits MichaelBurov)
mus. ми-бемоль (weird)
EB [eb] n
agric. альтернариоз (ALAB)
comp. Эбайт (MichaelBurov); эксабайт (рек. MichaelBurov); экзобайт (не рек. MichaelBurov)
IT 1152921504606846976 байтов
math. эмпирический байесов (об оценке)
tech. изготовитель оборудования (equipment builder konstmak)
Eb [eb] n
comp. Эбит (MichaelBurov); экзобит (MichaelBurov); эксобит (редк. MichaelBurov)
EbS abbr.
nautic. восток-тень-юг (-"сухопутное" название MichaelBurov); ост-тень-зюйд (MichaelBurov); ост тень зюйд (MichaelBurov); ост тень зюйда (MichaelBurov); румб 9 (MichaelBurov); стрик встока к обеднику (-поморское название MichaelBurov); азимут 101,25° (MichaelBurov)
EBS abbr.
auto. тормозные фонари с сигнализацией аварийной остановки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
avia. аварийная дыхательная система (Emergency Breathing System SidorovKA)
busin. комплекс приложений для электронного бизнеса (e-business suite Georgy Moiseenko)
int.transport. надбавка за бункерное топливо (emergency bunker surcharge wikipedia.org Traducierto.com)
med. СЭВ (синдром эмоционального выгорания Yakov F.)
progr. бизнес-решения для предприятий (Enterprise Business Solutions Viacheslav Volkov)
 English thesaurus
EB [eb] abbr.
abbr. eastbound (proceeding or headed east Val_Ships)
abbr., comp. Ebyte (MichaelBurov)
abbr., offic. estimated burden (4uzhoj)
abbr., org.chem. ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (igisheva)
Eb [eb] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. block energy
EB [eb] abbr.
abbr. East Bank; East Bay; East Bernard; Ed Baker; Electronic Business; Elwyn Brooks; Energizer Bunny; Executive Board; Eagle Bait; ECM bomber; Ego Boy; Electric Blasting (Vosoni); Electrode Barriers; ELINT bomber; Encyclopaedia Britannica; Equal Brake; Evily Bitched
abbr., agric. energy balance
abbr., avia. economic benefits; emergency backup; emergency box; engine bleed; eye bolt; Emery Worldwide Airlines Inc.
abbr., biotechn. embryoid body (Altuntash)
abbr., comp. exobyte <редк.> (MichaelBurov); exabyte (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Education Building
abbr., el. electronic banking; echo box; electron bombardment; electronic book; encapsulation bridging; encoder buffer; error burst; errored block; exploding bridge; extraterrestrial base; extrinsic base
abbr., el., scient. Electrode Barrier; Electronic Ballast
abbr., file.ext. Exabyte (1,024 petabytes, One Billion Billion characters of information)
abbr., food.ind. Edible Bean
abbr., inet. Emotional Baggage; European Boy
abbr., IT Error Bell; Exa Byte; Expanded Basic; exabyte
abbr., law Enforcement Bureau
abbr., med. Epstein-Barr (virus); epidermylosis bulosa (Игорь_2006); elementary body; endometrial biopsy; estradiol benzoate
abbr., media. Editorial Board
abbr., oil.proc. Ebullated Bed кипящий слой катализатора (leaskmay)
abbr., physiol. Epidermolysis Bullosa
abbr., physiol., med. Eye Ball
abbr., plast.surg. epidermal burn
abbr., polym. electron beam; elongation at break; encased buried
abbr., scient. E Business
abbr., scottish Electronic Beam
abbr., securit. exchange bond
abbr., st.exch. Exchangeable Bond
abbr., tradem. Electronic Boutique; Electronics Boutique
energ.ind. electrical building; electrodialysis; electron-beam; emergency bo rating
invest. early bargains
mil. early burst; engineer battalion; enlistment bonus; environmental buoy; equipment day; evaluation branch; explosive boat
railw. electric baggage car
tech. electric blasting cap; electronic binocular; enclosure building; equipment bay; ethylbenzene; eyepiece box
Eb [eb] abbr.
abbr., comp. exobit <редк.> (MichaelBurov); exabit англ. сокр. Eb (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. enterobacteria
comp. exobit (редк. MichaelBurov)
EB ... [eb] abbr.
abbr., microel. electron-beam ...
eb [eb] abbr.
abbr., mil. ebb
EbS abbr.
abbr. east by south; EtS (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic. east by south (MichaelBurov)
EBS abbr.
abbr. Elecktronischen Börse Schweiz; Electro Broker System; Elektronische Beschriftungs Systeme; Enhanced Business Services; Electronic Battlefield Series; Extreme Bull Shit; electron bombarded silicon (vidicon); exon-binding site
abbr., auto. electronic braking system; electronic battery sensor (ssn); electronic brake system; electronically-controlled braking system
abbr., avia. Engine Build Specification (Interex); Enterprise Business Solutions; electron braking system; engine bleed system; European broadcast satellite
abbr., comp., MS External BLOB Storage (uar)
abbr., earth.sc. Eastern Bering Sea; electron-beam system; electron-bombarded silicon; environmental data buoy; epidote-blueschist; external bremsstrahlung
abbr., ecol. environmental baseline surveys (SirReal)
abbr., ed. Education Business System; Effective Behavior Support; Estonian Business School (www.ebs.ee ВВладимир)
abbr., ed., scient. European Business School
abbr., el. electron-bombarded semiconductor; educational broadcast satellite; elastic backscattering; electron beam scanning (system); electronic band spectrum; electronic brainstorm; enterprise backup solution; errored block second
abbr., electr.eng. enamel-bonded single-silk
abbr., GOST. equipotential bonding system (ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-195-2005 harser)
abbr., IT Electronic Book Shelf; Rational Rose 98 Script source; electronic banking system (Bricker); Electronic Brainstorming
abbr., law Examine Both Sides
abbr., logist. Emergency Bunker Surcharge
abbr., med. Elastic Back Strap; Electric Brain Stimulation; Emergency Bed Service; Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex
abbr., media. Emergency Broadcasting System; Europe By Satellite
abbr., mil. environmental baseline survey
abbr., nautic., scient. Emergency Broadcast System
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Estimate Breakdown Structure
abbr., oil electron-beam scanning system; electronic band spectra; energy band structure
abbr., sec.sys. emergency broadcasting system
abbr., space educational broadcasting satellite; electron beam scanning system; Europe broadcast satellite
abbr., transp. Electronic Braking System
energ.ind. emergency boiler shutdown; emergency boration system
mil. emergency breathing subsystem; emergency broadcast system
tech. Ebsicon; electric brain simulator; electron beam semiconductor; electron beam system; electron bombarded semiconductor; electron bombarded semiconductor amplifier; electron bombarded silicon; electron bombarded silicon tube; emergency barrier system; emergency borated system; enamel bonded single-silk insulation
Ebs abbr.
abbr., busin. establishment
: 36 phrases in 17 subjects
Automated equipment1
SAP finance1