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ESL abbr.stresses
gen. электронное лицензирование программ
commer. электронные ценники (Daeril)
comp., net. электронное лицензирование программного обеспечения
ed. английский как иностранный (OLGA P.); английский язык как второй язык (Andrey Truhachev); Английский как второй язык (подготовительная программа; English as a Second language program native)
IT лицензия на встроенное программное обеспечение (Embedded Software License Anchovies)
ling. английский язык – неродной (English as a second language Alex_Odeychuk); английский язык — неродной (Alex_Odeychuk)
math. ожидаемый уровень значимости (expected significance level)
nucl.pow. лаборатория проб окружающей среды (МАГАТЭ Boris54)
oil объём технического обслуживания (engineering service load); расчётный срок службы (expected service life)
tech. энергосберегающая лампа (energy-saving lamp not_a_good_one)
 English thesaurus
ESL abbr.
abbr. Emotion; Spanish; Earth Sciences Laboratory; Environmental Sciences Laboratory; Evans Signal Laboratory; Earth Sciences Laboratories; Energy Systems Laboratory
abbr., auto. Electric Steering Lock (translator911)
abbr., commer. Electronic Shelf Labeling (Daeril)
abbr., comp., net. electronic software licensing; link support layer
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Science Laboratory; Earth Station-Libya; Electromagnetic Systems Laboratories; engineering societies library; Fairey Surveys of Ireland, Ltd.
abbr., ed. English as a Second Language
abbr., el. enhanced substrate loss (version); environment specification language; European system language; external support logic; eye-safe laser
abbr., food.ind. extended shelf life (длительный срок хранения Ира Чалова)
abbr., HF.electr. equivalent series inductance
abbr., hi-fi electrostatic loudspeaker (Artjaazz)
abbr., IT english as a second language (Bricker); Embedded Software License (Anchovies)
abbr., lab.eq. ESLicarbazepine
abbr., ling. English as a second language (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., med. extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy; end-systolic length
abbr., mil. Estimated Service Life
abbr., oil earth science laboratories; equivalent static load
abbr., oncol., med. Electro Science Laboratories
abbr., org.name. Emirates Shipping Line DMCEST
abbr., semicond. Electronic system level design (LeKsenia)
abbr., space Earth-Science Laboratories; experimental space laboratory
abbr., st.exch. Esterline Technologies Corporation
abbr., tradem. Eighteenth Street Lounge
energ.ind. electricity supply liberalisation; electrostatic sprayers of liquids
mil. electronic support laboratory; engineering services laboratory; equipment status log; estimated service life; expected significance level
tech. electromagnetic systems laboratory; electronic systems laboratory; engineering service load
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects